David Rokeby's workshop
at iMAL, Brussels,
12-14 DEC 2003

Constructing Experiences in
Interactive Installations
David Rokeby's interview by Xavier Ess

Workshop Participants

This workshop was made possible thanks to the support of the Vlaams Audiovisueel Fonds.

iMAL is supported by the French-speaking community of Belgium.
mattia vale, mx5miata@lycos.com, it
pieter heremans, pieter@lab-au.com, be
annemie maes, annemie@unamas-projects.org, be
yon visell, yon@proptronix.com, be
arjen keesmaat, arjen@arri.org, nl
heerko van der kooij, me@mematic.com, nl
dirk van oosterbosch, dirk@ixopusada.com, nl
yacine sebti, yac.seb@caramail.com, be
frederic dewilde, frederikdw@angelfire.com, be
josephine dorado, josephine@funksoup.com, nl
toon van ishoven, artoon@pandora.be, be
neils wolf, k-zimir@gmx.net 28, nl
bart vandeput, bart@magic.be, be
eddy deruwe, eddy.deruwe@skynet.be, be
yves bernard, yb@imal.org, be
gert aertsen, a4rt@pi.be, be

Some video documents shot by Yves Bernard.