Pieter Heremans

Here is a list of contents in which Pieter Heremans appear.



From April 3 until April 30 2017 Frederik De Wilde is in residency at iMAL, where he will work together with Pieter Heremans on his new installation 'The Council'.


After 2 residencies at iMAL, Tom Heene and his colleagues artists, developers and scientists show during 3 days the results of the project Dark Matter. The research project investigates the way data from the web and our physical world can be merged and presented in a total user experience. It is supported by the Art&D programme of Interdisciplinary Institute for Broadband Technology. Partners are the Center for User Experience Research - CUO (KUL), WICA (UGent), NODEBOX and LAHAAG.

Ce 3e Dorkbot bruxellois nous immergera dans le monde des réseaux, flux de données, visualisation et interfaces; et comment les artistes tentent de se les approprier. Il y aura aussi une place pour les projets des hackers bruxellois.
Le tout dans une ambiance décontractée avec Dj et bar ouvert!