Documenting Durational Live Performance Art Using Social Media

Vendredi, 14 Mai 2010 | 18:30 - 20:30
Documenting Durational Live Performance Art Using Social Media

The Work Of Joseph Delappe par Sven Goyvaert

Dans le cadre de son projet de recherche, Documenting Durational Live Performance Art Using Social Media, Sven Goyvaerts examine les aspects multiples du travail de l'artiste média Joseph Delappe.
Sven Goyvaerts est un étudiant en seconde année du Transmedia Postgraduate Program in Arts + Media + Design et participe à (advanced performance training), un programme de recherche anversois d'un an sur la performance.

Joseph Delappe is a media artivist and Associate Professor of the Department of Art at the University of Nevada where he runs the Digital Media area. Working with electronic and new media since 1983, his work in online gaming performance, electromechanical installation and real-time web-based video transmission has been shown throughout the United States and abroad. In 2006 he enacted the project dead-in-iraq, where he typed consecutively all names of America's military casualties from the war in Iraq into the America's Army FPS online recruiting game.

In 2008, he created Reenactment: The Salt Satyagraha Online using a specially customized treadmill to walk the entire 240 miles in 26 days to control his avatar, MGandhi, as he journeyed throughout Second Life. This resulted in his work being featured at last year's MUHKA expo All That Is Solid Melts Into Air in Mechelen. In March this year, Joseph Delappe gave a presentation entitled Protest, Memory, Reenactment at the MoMA in New York.


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