Ways of Connecting
24 Avril - 17 Mai 2019

Renaming the Web - Raphaël Bastide & Louise Drulhe
Renaming the Web is the result of the collaboration between Raphaël Bastide and Louise Drulhe. This installation connects 7 computers that share and display an image through a peer-to-peer network. When this network is weakened by the deliberate reboot of some computers, the image, reflecting the network architecture, is modified.
"Les réseaux constituent la structure de notre société et leur nature dissimulée en font des sujets de recherche riches et fascinants. Nous nous considérons comme des portraitistes de ces objets contemporains, révélant leurs caractéristiques pour tenter de mieux les comprendre".
Lire l'interview de Raphaël Bastide et Louise Drulhe par Daniela Baldelli de la galerie Rinomina.
About Raphaël Bastide
Raphaël Bastide is an artist and instructor living in Paris. His projects include installations, sculptures, websites and digital programmes. His sculptural work takes the form of installations or instruments, focusing on making conceptual models inspired by programs, languages, and software. He recently exhibited a work based on the P2P web at Rinomina, Paris in collaboration with Louise Drulhe. He teaches digital media at Parsons Paris and HfG Karlsruhe, Germany, as a guest instructor. His last solo show at 22 Rue Muller, Paris, showed his last researches about musical groove and computer program’s languages and documentation. Free/open source software enthusiast and maker, he is involved in several collectives related to free culture, design, and typography.
About Louise Drulhe
Born in 1990 in Paris, FR. Currently lives and works in Paris, FR.
Graduated from ENSAD Paris, Louise Drulhe is a graphic designer, illustrator and artist. She builds a theoretical and plastic research about mapping and visualising the space of the Internet. She considers the spatialisation as a tool to understand socio and political issues online. Her work has been exhibited in different institutions including the Museum of Modern Art of Freiburg, the MUCEM, the Biennale of Saint-Etienne and the Biennale of Moscow. She gives lectures and participates in symposium at the University and in art centres. She teaches and participates in jurys in different art schools in France.
Renaming the web, by Raphaël Bastide and Louise Drulhe was created and first exhibited in May 2018 at Rinomina, Paris.
Raphaël & Louise thank Daniela Baldelli & Markus Lichti.
30-34 Quai des Charbonnages
1080 Bruxelles
Entrée par la cour / 2e étage
24 avril 2019, 18:00
25 avril - 17 mai 2019
Mercredi - Dimanche, 12:30 - 17:30
Fermé le 1er mai
Présentation et débat:
27 avril 2019, 18:00
Entrée gratuite!
Visites de groupes
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