ICT&Art Connect 2013
For the second time (see 2012 edition), iMAL will host on November 9 and 10 the ICT&Art Connect workshops organised by EU DG Connect where artists, scientists and engineers will discuss new ways of collaborating in the future European research programmes.
This year, the event is co-organised by the EU and Waag society and besides the workshops at iMAL, there will be two exhibtions showcasing artworks using Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) : one at Bozar and another one at Harlan Levy Project Gallery.
More on ict-art-connect.eu.
(Workshops registration is on invitation by the EU and closed).
Une archive : 1999-2010-2019
Cette page est une archive du site d'iMAL tel qu'il existait entre 2010 et 2019. Il documente activités et projets créés depuis 1999.
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