The Third Culture
Jeudi, 18 Octobre 2007 | 00:00

A Vision For A Science/Art/Technology Conversion Dialectic
Gallery LJU COSINUS BRX, FoAM and iMAL propose this lecture at iMAL by Marko Peljhan: The Third Culture: A Vision For A Science/Art/Technology Conversion Dialectic.
The lecture is organized as a part of the exhibition 'Situational Awareness' by Marko Peljhan that will open on Wednesday, 17 October 2007 at 6 pm at the offices of the European Commissioner for Science and Research Dr. Janez Potocnik in the European Commission building / Berlaymont (11th floor, Rue de La Loi 200, 1040 Brussels).
The exhibition presents the development phases of the ten-year project Makrolab (1997-2007), an autonomous communications, research, working and living unit that focuses its research on telecommunications, climate systems and migrations. The final phase of the project that is currently in development within the International Polar Year 2007-2008 programme will be implemented as a permanent setup on the Antarctic and Arctic, where Makrolab will serve as an independent transnational art-science station for research.
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