Internet Yami-Ichi (インターネットヤミ市) Brussels #2
30 Septembre - 1 Octobre 2017

On Saturday 30 September, starting from 19:30.
ASCII sutra-transcribing
In this :30 performance, exonemo combines two forms of on-line written culture with an ancient Buddhist practice. Sutra copying is a meritorious expression of piety in East-Asian Buddhism. The Heart Sutra (the heart of the perfection of understanding), one of the most popular of all sutras, exhorts us to see past the apparent superficial world and embrace the greater totality of all things, the void. This performance joins the traditions of sutra copying with ASCII art, a graphic design technique that uses pictures pieced together from the characters defined by the ASCII Standard, and emoji culture, a graphic language which emerged from Japanese on-line ideographic culture, and then rapidly spread across the Internet with the popularisation of smart phones, SMS, and social media.
Lucas Lejeune
Cet algorithme de calcul peu sophistiqué mâche ses mots. Sur fond psychotique, l'opérateur aux manettes s'acharne à rendre intelligible les opérations obtenues par un brassage combinatoire confus. Ainsi des images invisibles apparaissent, carburées par une logique surréaliste, un rythme frénétique dopé au scrabble pré-apocalyptique
Miron Galic
Designer, Student, Human Being,
Born in Sarajevo, former Yugoslavia,
Residing in Arnhem, The Netherlands.
Hard Disk Band
Self explanatory
Florian van Zandwijk
Laptop Boot Race
A dozen of laptops, started at the same time. The first that will reach the desktop image will win.
Bar et cuisine asiatique sur place!
Samedi: 12:00-22:00
Performances start at 19:30
Présentations à 14:30, 15:30, 16:30
Dimanche: 12:00-18:00
Présentations à 14:30, 16:30
Screenings à 15:30
Lieu: iMAL
Une archive : 1999-2010-2019
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