Laura Colmenares

Laura Colmenares Guerra is a Colombian/Spanish visual artist based in Brussels. In 2002 she obtained a Masters degree in Audiovisual Media at Los Andes University in Bogota and in 2008 a Postgraduate Master in Transmedia Studies at Sint-Lukas, Brussels.Video has been the central focus of her artistic work. Her research materializes in the form of immersive audiovisual installations that delve into the spectator's perception of space and image. She is interested in the creation of environments that activate the relationship of the participants with their own body and its spatial perception. Her work relates to the politics of the human body, the matter of body perception and the engagement of the spectator with the artwork.

In parallel Laura has worked as a video performer, starting as a VJ in the early Techno scene of Bogota. Her practice is based in the creation of video images combined or composed with 3D and photographic images. This visual research materializes in the form of immersive and most of the time interactive audio-visual installations; but as well the creation of independent video pieces, that often imply collaborations with musicians and composers like: Todor Todoroff, Franck Smith, Oliver Coates, Rafael Muñoz Gomez, Sigrid Vandenbogaerde,etc.

Her work has recently been showcased at The Alexander Kasser Theatre, Peak Performances at Montclair State University (NJ), at Kings Place (London,UK), The Glasgow school of arts (Glasgow-UK), the Museum of Contemporary Art of Montreal, Canada, during the International Biennale of New Media Art, at festival Elektra-Mutek, EM15, at the Imperial Theatre of Montreal, Canada, at the Cube - Centre for Digital Creation (Paris, F), the International Computer Music Conference (Huddersfield, UK), Nadine, iMal at the Erasmus Museum and Sint-Lukasgalerie in Brussels (BE), The Festival Crea Numerica in the Games of La Francophonie (Beirut, Lebanon), the Arts Centre in Enghien-les-Bains (F), at City Sonic (Mons, B), during the Ars Musica Festival 2013 at the Theatre Brigittines (Brussels, B) and at the Museum of Bozar (Brussels, B), in between others.


2008 - 2010

Virage est une plate-forme de recherche pour l’étude et le développement des nouvelles interfaces de contrôle et d’écriture pour la création artistique et les industries culturelles. Financé par l’Agence Nationale de la Recherche (France), le projet a démarré en janvier 2008 et se terminera en 2010.



Un triptyque explorant les thèmes de la mémoire, de la mort et de l'eau, au travers d'un scénario interactif qui évoque l'impact drastique des actions humaines sur la nature. Après The Invisible LandscapeLagunas est notre seconde exposition OUTPUT, présentant un projet développé durant une résidence à iMAL. Finissage ven. 31 mars, 18:30.


Le projet de recherche VIRAGE développe des méthodologies et des logiciels prototypes pour la création artistique et les industries culturelles, que ce soit pour le spectacle vivant, les arts visuels ou les performances. Il réunit un consortium de centres d'arts, d'universités et d'entreprises innovantes françaises et belge. Arrivé à son terme, les résultats du projet seront présentés en 3 jours de conférences, d'ateliers et d'exposition.