Valery Vermeulen: Montage Cinema Revived by the EMO-Synth
5 Septembre - 17 Septembre 2011

Production residency
Valery Vermeulen will work on a new version of Montage Cinema Revived by the EMO-Synth in collaboration with Remco Roes (image & video), Pieterjan Seynaeve (live percussion) and Nico Couck (live guitar). The result will be shown during Tangible Feelings on 16th and 17th of September 2011.
Project description
Montage Cinema Revived by the EMO-Synth is a new interactive multimedia project in which the emotional impact of automatically generated sound and image is maximised through using artificial intelligence techniques.
At the very heart of the technology used in the project lies the EMO-Synth, a soft and hardware system in which the emotional man-machine interaction plays a central role. During operation, the EMO-Synth automatically generates and manipulates sounds and images to lead the user into certain predefined emotional states. The development of the EMO-Synth relies on different techniques stemming from a broad range of artistic and scientific domains including artificial intelligence, affective computing, psychophysiology, advanced mathematical modelling, algorithmic music composition and image generation.
For the Montage Cinema Revived by the EMO-Synth performance at iMAL, Valery Vermeulen invites selected participants* to have their emotional feedback matched with automatically generated music using articial intelligence models constructed by the EMO-Synth. During the performances, the resulting models are used to produce realtime personalised soundtracks. They involve digitised sounds and live musicians that, together with live visuals, are controlled in front of the audience by the person who went through the calibration before. The live audio-visual concert resulting from this experience intends to be unique and entirely based on the personal emotional feedback of the participant.
More about EMO-Synth and Valery Vermeulen...
Galerie Média <>
View on Youtube EMO-Synth during Tangible Feelings at iMAL — Enlarge EMO-Synth during Tangible Feelings at iMAL — Enlarge EMO-Synth during Tangible Feelings at iMAL — Enlarge
Photo by Tom Van Laere
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