Tangible Feelings
15 September - 17 September 2011
A symposium on EEG (and biofeedback) for the Arts
With the emergence of affordable EEG devices and other biofeedback sensors for the health and game industry, we see more and more artists inspired by these promising technologies in which they imagine the possibility of measuring one's emotions.
From the very early experiment of Alvin Lucier and David Rosenboom to the latest art projects using fashionable EEG headsets, the question remains open: what do our brainwaves tell us? And furthermore, how can they be used by artists, at present and in the future?
During this 3 days symposium+showcase, we will attempt to explore the potential of EEG and biofeedback for artistic purpose by comparing and discussing various technologies and projects at the cross-road of Art and Science.
With: Peter Beyls, Prof. Marc Van Hulle (Mind Speller), Christophe De Boeck (Staalhemel), Thierry Castermans (Numediart), Mattia Casalegno & Enzo Varriale (Unstable Empathy), Alexis Chazard (Post traumatic voyager), Kiel Long (The static organ), Luciana Haill (IBVA), Valery Vermeulen (EMO-Synth), ...
Friday 16 September 2011
10:00-18:00 | Symposium EEG (and biofeedback) for the Arts
18:00-22:30 | Opening exhibition + A/V concert
Saturday 17 September 2011
12:00-18:00 | EEG workshop
12:00-20:00 | Exhibition
20:30-22:30 | A/V concert
Sunday 18 September 2011
12:00-18:00 | EEG workshop
12:00-18:00 | Exhibition
More about the speakers and participating artists...
Due to the limited capacity of the venue, we can no longer accept registrations for the symposium.
If you are unable to join us, the symposium and first day of the workshop will be broadcasted on our Ustream.
Practical Info
Fri 16/09: Symposium + Opening + Concert
Sat 17/09: Workshop + Exhibition + Concert
Sun 18/09: Workshop + Exhibition
Free admission
Location: iMAL
Online video streaming of the event
Friday and Saturday, on Ustream
Media Gallery <>
Teaser picture: "Mind Drops" by Kiel Long
An archive : 1999-2010-2019
This page is an archive of the iMAL website that operated between 2010 and 2019. It compiles activities and projects made since 1999.
For our most recent news and activities, please check our new website at https://imal.org