FabLab Team & Contact

Fablab.iMAL is managed collaboratively by:

Xavier Klein, co-fablab manager, mediation manager, graphic designer, illustrator and artist. FabAcademy graduate

Stefan Piat, artist and co-fablab manager, digital carpentry manager

Raphaël Olivier, co-fablab manager, draftman, 3d graphics designer.

Christopher Teixeira Mota, co-fablab manager, architect et urbanist.

Félix Luque, artist who develops technology-based artworks using digital fabrication.

Yves Bernard, iMAL director

E-mail: fablab AT imal.org
Twitter: @FabLabiMAL


34 Quai des Charbonnages - Koolmijnenkaai, 1080 Brussels (metro: Comte de Flandre)

Entrance by the courtyard, FabLab.iMAL is on the first floor.