City Lights Orchestra Device (CLOD)
17 September - 22 September 2017

CLOD residency
From 17th to 22nd September 2017, iMAL hosted in residency artist Antoine Schmitt (Paris), designer Damien Gernay (Brussels) and the Reso-nance Numérique team (Marseille) at FabLab.iMAL. For a week, they worked on their project "City Lights Orchestra Device" (CLOD), initiated earlier this year.
CLOD is the continuation of a series of projects by Antoine Schmitt exploring the concept of a light pulse visible in the city; first with City Sleep Light, showed at iMAL in 2010, then with City Light Orchestra in 2012. CLOD extends even more the distribution and portability of the light sources; pulsing with the same frequency, they create a sort of visual symphony spread over the city.
The challenge of the CLOD project is to design portable, connected, cheap and easy to build lights. Used by a large number of participants, and networked, they together make a choreography of light. The project combines a series of technologies: Internet of Things (IoT), LED light, digital fabrication, electronics, … The CLOD light can be produced by groups of people within collaborative, DIY, open source processes, in collaboration with a FabLab.
The CLOD lamp repeats and loops any light sequence, which can be recorded from the light emitted by a smart phone or a lighter. This pattern can then be sent to nearby CLOD lights, that will repeat the original sequence or mix it with others. The connected lights will then pulse together in sync.
The aim of this residency was the improve the embedded electronics and the existing code, as well as exploring the various 3D printers of FabLab.iMAL, for new designs, shapes and materials.
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An archive : 1999-2010-2019
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