Code, Arts & Crafts : Blender advanced
1 April - 8 April 2017

Parametric & Generative design
Following up to our introduction to 3D modeling in February/March, we organise a more advanced workshop on Blender for 3D printing. During these two Saturday afternoons we will be exploring tools and techniques for parametric and generative design.
Participants are required to have a basic understanding of Blender or an experience with similar softwares (3ds max, cinema4d, maya, etc.), for example after following one of our Code, Arts & Crafts Blender introductions. It is also open to people having some programmation skills but no experience in 3d.
The format of each session will be structured in two parts:
- 2 hours of pratical course, dedicated to an explanation of the topic trought examples;
- 4 hours of personal support:
- on personal project in relation with the topic of the course or
- on an exercice to reproduce, for person having no personal project
During the second part of the session, the trainer is available for specific questions or general explanation.
Come with ideas, making is the best way to learn!
Saturday 01 April, 13:00 - 19:00
Introduction to python programming - Generative design
Python is a language conceived to learn programming. It is also the native language of the blender interface. During this session, we will discover how to automatise objects creation with a series of commands normally done manually.
At the end of this session, you'll know:
- the basics of python language
- the common python commands in blender
- write a simple script to produce objects
Saturday 08 April, 13:00 - 19:00
Introduction to sverchok - Parametric design
Sverchok is a blender's addon inspired by grasshopper. It adds a whole node-based creation system to blender. You will be able to generate objects by connecting boxes to one another.
This session will be given in collaboration with Ruben Blancquaert, an early blender-brussels member.
At the end of this session, you will:
- understand how to use common nodes of Sverchock
- know how to build a simple object workflow
- export the object
Your trainer
François Zajéga est un artiste programmeur vivant et codant à Bruxelles.
Après une formation d'infographie, une formation de dessin, une carrière professionnelle de web-designer/web-master comme employé et entrepreneur, il a exploré le monde scientifique à l'institut Numédiart de l'Université de Mons en tant que chercheur spécialisé dans le traitement vidéo et l'interaction homme-machine.
Il est aujourd'hui assistant dans la section arts numériques dirigée par Michel Cleempoel à Arts², l'école supérieure des arts de Mons. Il présente son travail dans des expositions et festivals internationaux, donne des conférences et organise des ateliers autour de la place de la machine dans la production artistique et du rapport entre les arts et la science. Il travaille actuellement sur un moteur de jeu basé sur Ogre3D et Puredata dans le cadre d'un projet nommé Polymorph.
La majorité de ses travaux utilisent des solutions libres. /
Practical info
Saturday 1 & 8 Avril 2017, 13:00 - 19:00
Price: 30€
Location: iMAL
Max. 15 participants
The workshop will only take place if we reach a minimum amount of registrations. Details on payment will be send to you once we reached that amount.
REGISTRATION IS MANDATORY! Click to register through this form.
Pages des sessions précédentes:
Practical Info
Saturday 1 & 8 Avril 2017
13:00 - 19:00
Price: 30€
Max. 15 participants
The workshop will only take place if we reach a minimum amount of registrations. Details on payment will be send to you once we reached that amount.
The workshop is in French
Registration: through this form
Location: iMAL
Media Gallery <>
Header picture:
author: Blutfink -
title: QuaternionJuliaWP.png

Saturday 1 & 8 Avril 2017
13:00 - 19:00
Price: 30€
Max. 15 participants
The workshop will only take place if we reach a minimum amount of registrations. Details on payment will be send to you once we reached that amount.
The workshop is in French
Registration: through this form
Location: iMAL
An archive : 1999-2010-2019
This page is an archive of the iMAL website that operated between 2010 and 2019. It compiles activities and projects made since 1999.
For our most recent news and activities, please check our new website at