A computational & behavioural approach to 3D printing
18 November - 20 November 2016

Workshop with LIA
The well-known Austrian artist LIA, pioneer of software art and net art, has been exploring and researching the behaviour of filament-based 3D printing1, transposing her expressive, code-based work from the visual to the tangible plane. This research developed into the Filament Sculptures project and a set of software tools she created in Processing.
LIA uses 3D printers and their basic working: an extruding head, moving in 3 dimensions, sculpts and weaves objects by depositing a solid or still soft material. By controlling directly the printer movements, she investigates all the aspects of the physicalities of this process, to generate, with code, new types of sculptures.
In this workshop, LIA will share her experience and know-how with the participants, exploring together new techniques to create 3D printed objects. This new approach is based on computation and the physical properties of the material and the machine, going well beyond the traditional method based on 3D modeling.
About LIA
Austrian artist LIA is considered one of the pioneers of software and net art and has been producing works since 1995. Her practice spans across video, performance, software, installations, sculpture, projections and digital applications.
The artist's primary working material is code, which consists of LIA translating a concept into a formal written structure that then can be used to create a "machine" that generates real-time multimedia outputs. LIA's works combine traditions of drawing and painting with the aesthetics of digital images and algorithms, characterised by a minimalist quality and by an affinity with conceptual art. She focuses on the translation of certain experienced principles into abstract forms, movements and colours in order to allow the viewer to explore the same on a subconscious level.
More about LIA on her website.
Participating to the workshop
Registration is mandatory
Participants should have a basic knowledge in programming (Processing will be used). The workshop is given in English.
Selected participants should have their own laptop (Mac/Win/Linux) compatible with the Processing.
Workshop Fee
60€ for 3 days
- 1. "Fused Deposit Modeling" or "Fused Filament Fabrication" is the technique used in affordable, consumer-level 3D printers, where a plastic filament is melted and pushed out a thin nozzle before it hardens again. Objects are typically printed through the accumulation of successive layers of extruded plastic on a flat bed.
Practical Info
18, 19, 20 November 2016
10:00 - 18:00
Workshop fee
60€ for 3 days
Registration is mandatory!
You must bring your own computer!
Workshop in English! (oral understanding necessary)
Where? iMAL
Media Gallery <>
A computational & behavioural approach to 3D printing. View on Flickr A computational & behavioural approach to 3D printing. View on Flickr A computational & behavioural approach to 3D printing. View on Flickr A computational & behavioural approach to 3D printing. View on Flickr A computational & behavioural approach to 3D printing. View on Flickr A computational & behavioural approach to 3D printing. View on Flickr A computational & behavioural approach to 3D printing. View on Flickr A computational & behavioural approach to 3D printing. View on Flickr A computational & behavioural approach to 3D printing. View on Flickr A computational & behavioural approach to 3D printing. View on Flickr A computational & behavioural approach to 3D printing. View on Flickr A computational & behavioural approach to 3D printing. View on Flickr A computational & behavioural approach to 3D printing. View on Flickr
18, 19, 20 November 2016
10:00 - 18:00
Workshop fee
60€ for 3 days
Registration is mandatory!
You must bring your own computer!
Workshop in English! (oral understanding necessary)
Where? iMAL
An archive : 1999-2010-2019
This page is an archive of the iMAL website that operated between 2010 and 2019. It compiles activities and projects made since 1999.
For our most recent news and activities, please check our new website at https://imal.org