
about mast-r

mast_r is a personal "less is more" audio project started for collaboration works with LAB[au] (Brussels, B): less audio material but more treatments and experiments. My work is based on radical soundbanks, in order to force me to explore new ways in sound design. Consequently, as a teacher in the digital field at Erg (École de Recherche Graphique) in Brussels, I had that idea to turn mast_r into a collaborative platform with students, helping them to explore and learn about audio editing tools, free audio softwares, audio formats and so on... I developed and maintain mast_r as a part of my course's website
However everyone is welcome !

mast_r soundbank 02 goals:
1. To provide sound material to be edited, in order to learn how to create an audio art piece.
2. Due to this specific soundbank, learn about major personalities in the digital media field.
3. Share it.

mast_r rules:
1. Keywords are: minimalism, excessive and problematic.
2. only the use of audio files provided in the current soundbank is allowed.
3. any audio handling or edition must be completely digital.
4. accidents and unpremeditated actions are encouraged.