about Man in eSAPCE.mov
Man in eSPACE.mov soundtrack. Download some .mp3s here.
Man in eSPACE.mov presentation. A presentation in french (PDF - 360 Ko).
Man in eSPACE.mov picture album. Some pictures and informations (PDF - 800 Ko).
Man in eSPACE.mov Video (light). Extracts of the performance (.mov - 25,4 Mo).
Man in eSPACE.mov Video (heavy). Extracts of the performance (.mp4 - 43,5 Mo).
Man in eSPACE.exe : sound requirements. Technical rider (PDF) of our four-screens-version (PDF - 40 Ko).
Man in eSPACE.mov : Motion Analysis in 3D Space. An article by Wolf Ka (PDF/.zip - 456 Ko)
Man in eSPACE.mov video on YouTube. Extracts (03:55) from our performance at Elektra Festival 2006 (Montreal, Can).
Man in eSPACE.mov video on YouTube. Extracts (01:34) from our performance at Elektra Festival 2006 (Montreal, Can).
Man in eSPACE.mov pictures. Some pictures on el5ki/Els Vermang's photostream on Flickr.
Three Views/Visions of the Body. A post on turbulence.org.
Man in eSPACE.mov. A page on Citu.info.
La performance audiovisuelle. Article (in french) about interactive media art and performances. Man in eSPACE.mov quoted.
Multimedialab. Online support of my new media art classes at Erg (École de Recherche Graphique) in Brussels, Belgium.
Erg. École de Recherche Graphique, Brussels, Belgium.
Media Ruimte. New medias platform and gallery: music, software and installation space.
LAb[au]. Architecture, urbanism and new medias collective.
Architecture versus Music. Excellent thesis by Elskino Vermang from LAb[au].
iMAL. Interactive Media Art Laboratory. Thanx for hosting mast-r !
freeware and shareware tools
Amadeus. Sound editor. Freeware for MacOS.
Apple Audio. Freeware ans shareware for MacOS.
Argeiphontes Lyre. Audio, video and text filters/generators by Akira Rabelais. Freeware for MacOS.
Audacity. Audio edition. Freeware Open-Source for Windows/MacOS.
Audiomulch. Audio synthesis by Ross Bencina. Shareware for Windows.
AudioPaint. Generating sound from images, by Nicolas Fournel. Freeware for Windows.
BuzzMachines. Granular Synthesis, by Mva. Freeware for Windows.
Caotica 2. Free audio software featuring synthesis and effects tools. French version available. Windows 9x, ME, NT, 2000 or XP
Cheese. Free electronic music tools. Check also their page on SoundForge.
Clicker. Click patterns in real-time by Nicolas Fournel. Freeware for Windows.
Coagula. Generating sound from images, by Rasmus Ekman.
Cog. Free open source audio player for MacOS X.
Crystal. AudioUnit/VST soft synth plugin. Freeware for Windows and MacOSX.
Darkware. VST plugin. Freeware for Windows.
Destroy FX Audio Units. free VST plugins, free Audio Units. Freeware for MacOS 10.3.9 or higher. PowerPC and Intel-based Macs.
FontanaMixer. Generative sound environment after "Fontana Mix" by John Cage. Freeware for MacOS.
GoatCactus. Algorithmic music composition tool for MacOSX. The demo version does everything but save.
Glitch. VST plugin par dBlue. Freeware for Windows.
Granulab. Granular Synthesis, by Rasmus Ekman. Freeware for Windows.
Granulator. Granular Synthesis. Freeware for Windows by Nicolas Fournel. More HERE.
Gloops. Graphical LOOPing System by Nicolas Fournel. Freeware for Windows.
Ixi softwares. Interactive audio tools. Prototypes or applications. Windows/MacOS.
LiveCut. Live beat-slicer, VST plugin.
MacAudiotoolbox. Waveform generator for MacOS. Shareware.
MultiWave. Multichannel wave file from mono wave files by N.Fournel. Freeware for Windows.
Phonogramme. Audio manipulation by Vincent Lesbros. Shareware for MacOS/Windows.
PulsarGenerator. Interactive sound synthesis by A. de Campo and C. Roads. Freeware for MacOS.
RTGS. Granular Synthesis, by Low North. Shareware for MacOS.
SoundEditor. Free sound editor used to edit, filter and modify sound files. Freeware for Windows and MacOSX.
SoundHack Freewares. Free tools (standalone or plugins), spectral audio processing by Tom Erbe.
SoX - Sound eXchange. Swiss army knife of sound processing programs.
Spear. Application for audio analysis, editing and synthesis. Freeware for MacOS 9, MacOS X, Windows.
SuperCollider. Audio synthesis programming language by James McCartney. Freeware for MacOS.
Textures. Generates algorithmic textures and sound, by Nicolas Fournel. Freeware for Windows.
TweakBench. VST instruments and FX. Freeware for Windows.
Voice Interactive Visual Sound Applet. Voice mapping Java applet.
Voice of the GoatCactus. Algorithmic music composition tool for MacOSX. The demo version does everything but save.
Check also: Microsound tWIKI.
Check also: Agnula.
Check also: Apple Audio.
free programming tools
CSound. Programming language for sound rendering. Freeware for MacOS/PC. Look also HERE.
Getting CSound. Manuals, sources, etc.
OSC. OpenSound Control is a protocol for communication among computers, sound synthesizers, and other devices.
Processing. Open source programming language and environment built on Java.
Sonia. Library dealing with sound in Processing.
Ess. Library dealing with sound in Processing.
MaxLink. Java libraries enable communication between Processing and Max/MSP 4.5 (Windows and MacOSX).
jm-Etude. High level API to communicate with jMusic from Processing environment.
ProMIDI. Library allowing Processing and every other Java Application to send and receive Midiinformation.
oscP5. OSC implementation for Processing.
jMusic. Programming library written for musicians in the Java programming language.
jm.audio.synth Class Granulator. jMusic class.
jm.audio Class AudioObject. jMusic class.
Granular synthesis. jMusic class.
Chuck. Audio Programming Language.
CLAM. Audio Programming Language.
Pure Data. Real-time graphical programming environment. Windows/MacOS.
Freesoftware ircam wiki. Look also Les logiciels libres de l’IRCAM.
jMax. Visual programming environment for real-time music applications. Look also HERE.
CPS. Audio and midi programming environment.
Syd. Instrument editor and software synthesizer by Jim Bumgardner.
mams 0.92. Written in MAX/MSP, generates .ams ( Ableton Meta Sound ) files using additive synthesis, by Monolake.
commercial tools
Max/MSP. Commercial software for MacOS/public licence for Linux and SGI.
Live. Commercial software for Windows/MacOS.
Spongefork. Commercial software for MacOS.
Audio Hijack. Record any audio (all formats, streaming). Free trial (to buy: $16 !)
Crusher-X. Granular Synthesis by Joerg Stelkens. Commercial software for Windows.
Methasynth. Sound design environment and painted sounds.
Architecture versus Music. Excellent thesis by Elkino Vermang from LAb[au].
Serial Port: A Brief History of Laptop Music. By Marc Weidenbaum (See Disquiet).
Media art net. Digital art history ressources.
My life in a bush of ghosts. About this album and the remix projects. Download the tracks here !
120 years of electronic music. From 1870 to 1990.
From Wagner to virtual reality. By Randall Packer.
The Art of Noises. Statement by Luigi Russollo.
The Liberation of Sound. Statement by Edgar Varèse.
Interview with David Tudor. By Teddy Hultberg in Dusseldorf May 17/18, 1988.
Interview with Karlheinz Stockhausen. By Teddy Hultberg.
Warhol's American Dream. An essay on a remix by DJ Spooky.
Edweard Muybridge: Freeze Frame.
Edweard Muybridge. Dedicated pages on the UCR/California Museum of Photography site.
Etienne-Jules Marey. Online exhibition.
Etienne-Jules Marey. Dedicated resources on Hargrave site.
Granular Synthesis Resource Site.
120 years of electronic music. From 1870 to 1990.
Comparing AAC, MP3 and TwinVQ Lossy Compression of Audio.
tuning your Windows for audio applications
Advice and guidance on setting up and tuning Windows XP for professional audio applications.
Ground loop problems and how to get rid of them.
sPACE (Navigable music). Developed by LAb[au] (Windows only). Also check this interview.
The mechanic of destruction. Matthew Herbert's profit-free album linking politics and music.
SonicForms. Open-Source project by Chris O'Shea. Tangible interface. Check Building Interfaces.
Tangible musical interfaces - Music tables. Maintained by Martin Kaltenbrunner.
AudioPad. Project by James Patten and Ben Recht. Download this PDF.
Instant city. Installation by Sybille Hauert and Daniel Reichmuth.
Musicalgorithms. Algorithmic composition, team directed by Jonathan Middleton.
Altzero. Musique spatiale naviguable. Voir les fichiers Cornerhouse et Altzero.
Ogg vorbis. Free compression format.
Ogg Drop. Ogg encoder by Nouturn.
VLC Media Player. Highly portable player (Mpeg 1/2/4, DivX, mp3, ogg...)
Jorbis. Ogg Vorbis decoder by JCraft.
Autechre. Glitches and clicks and cuts. Check also Sean Booth Interview. On Disquiet.
Alva Noto/Carsten Nicolai. Concrete electronic sound.
Aernoudt Jacobs. Sound artist from Belgium.
Bill Fontana. Sound Sculptures.
DAT Politics. Glitch artists on Ski-pp. See an Interview on Brdf.
Eigen+Art. Carsten Nicolai's works presented on his gallery website.
Erzatz. Charles Blondeel, sound artist from Belgium. See Sinusjog.
Frank Bretschneider. See also Komet and Signal.
Granular-Synthesis. Duo with Kurt Hentschlager and Ulf Langheinrich. Check also HERE.
Halosinus. Home made computed music community, featuring Erzatz and sinusjog (a.o)
Jasch. Experimental audio and generative art.
Janet Cardiff. "Forty-Part Motet" at the Liverpool Tate Gallery.
John C Adams. Composer.
John Cage. See also John Cage Computer Programs and Fontana Mixer.
Karlheinz Stockhausen. Official site.
Komet. See Frank Bretschneider.
Marko Ciciliani. "No input mixer".
Monolake. Robert Henke, exploration of sound, rhythm and structure, sonic events in spaces.
Oval. Markus Popp. Check also Popp Music. Interview with Markus Popp on Disquiet.
Philip Glass. Composer and performer.
Ryoji Ikeda. Concrete electronic sound.
Ryuichi Sakamoto. Japanese sound artist but dandy.
Signal. See Frank Bretschneider.
Sinusjog. Charles Blondeel, sound artist from Belgium.
Stanza. Prolific multimedia artist who specialises in net art and electronic music.
Steve Reich. Composer.
Walter Murch. Sound designer, engineer, editor and mixer for famous movies (THX 1138, etc).
Wendy Carlos. Composer and performer, Moog pioneer. Used to be Walter, see here.
Creative misuse and abuse of musical tools.
Glitch Aesthetics.
Glitch art & design.
Beflix. Glitch art by Tony Scott.
Glitch Festival and Symposium.
LAb[au]. Research, art, architecture, information, space, workshops, perception and many more...
Media Ruimte. Boiling place, digital art and new medias exhibitions.
iMAL. Research, production, workshops, interactive contents...
Sonic Art Network. British organisation working exclusively with sound and technology in creative, innovative and experimental ways.
Microsound. Mailing-list about digital audio and aesthetic.
BBC Experimental. Electronica, post-Rock & beyond...
The Wire. Music magazine. Intelligent coverage of a wide range of non-mainstream musics.
Other minds. Global New Music community. Discover and learn about innovative music.
Odd Music. New and experimental music and instruments.
Strange attractor. Celebrating unpopular culture.
Neumu. Art + music + words.
documents, podcasts, radios
rand( )%. A generative web-radio.
Quiet america. Soundscapes by Aaron Ximm.
Silence Radio. Sound piecces, soundscapes.
UbuWeb. Sound and art. Huge downloadable collection.
Arte-Radio. Fresh french MP3 audio documents.
Brainwashed. Jon Whitney's archival non-profit service. Check the Brainwashed Radio.
Record brother. Sounds, vinyls, weirdo recordings.
Hearing voices. Some great radio work
Digital village. Technoïd talks.
Odeo. Podcasts.
Fluctu8. Podcasts.
Prelinger archives. Medias.
Radio lovers. Oldies.