Entreprise d'Optimisation du Réel: OPTIMUM PARK™

27 November - 16 December 2012
Entreprise d'Optimisation du Réel: OPTIMUM PARK™

a EOR project

L'Entreprise d'Optimisation du Réel (EOR - The Reality Optimization Company) is developing OPTIMUM PARK™, an innovative cultural product aimed at anybody wishing to optimize their competitivity, physical development and relationship to others. Managed by a complex autonomous system and intended for all audiences, this park endeavours to improve individual and social performances. Once completed, this service will be offered to art centers, enterprises and individuals.

A version is currently being developed at iMAL. Official launch scheduled for June 2013 at the contemporary arts center BPS22.

A project by:
Sébastien Rien
Emmanuel Pire
Antoine Boute
Leslie Mannès
Sébastien Biset

Media Gallery


The project received supports from the Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles (Commission Arts Numériques) (Be), the Ministry of Culture (Be) via the DICRéAM (Fr), BPS22 (Be), iMAL (Be), OUDEIS (Fr), BIJ (Be) and the Vecteur (Be).