Projection on forms and spaces
9 April - 15 April 2011

Practical Info
The "Projection on forms and spaces" masterclass will take place at iMAL, Center for digital cultures and technology (Brussels) under the leading of HC Gilje (No) from 9-15th April, 2011. The masterclass will be followed by an exhibition of the realized projects from 16-17th of April at iMAL. The results of the workshop will be documented online.
Artists, architects, designers, set designers and VJs are welcome to send their project proposals through the 'Call for Projects' form until the 16th 20th of March, 2011.
Max. 12 participants will be selected and grouped in small teams around 5-6 projects. Projects will be selected according to original artistic quality and feasibiity (time, equipment, space, budget).
The workshop langage will be English.
Important dates
March 20th: Call for participation deadline
March 24th: Selected candidates are informed
March 25nd: online preparation starts with hc gilje, iMALs team, and selected participants
April 9-15th: production Lab - projects are produced at iMAL, Brussels
(during this period, participants can arrange their presence according to their other activities)
April 16-17th: exhibition of the projects at iMAL, Brussels
There is no particular computer skill necessary for the workshop, however It could be useful to have a basic knowledge in maxmsp/pd or processing or other similar apps that support OSC, as it is a very powerful way of extending VPT.
If you want to work with gesture tracking, sensors,... it is necessary to have some experience with Arduino, Processing, Max-Msp, PD, electronics,... (although we can provide templates for arduino for simple sensor input and servo output).
Selected participants should have their own laptop (VPT is Mac/Win compatible but you can use Linux for any control processes as long as it can communicate through OSC). Video-beamers and and other audio-visual equipment will be provided by iMAL.
Workshop Fee
50 EUR (2 lunches + drinks included)
Call for participation deadline
March 20th
Workshop / Production Lab
April 9-15th
April 16-17th
Workshop Fee
50 EUR
(weekend lunches + drinks included)
30, Quai des Charbonnages/Koolmijnenkaai
1080 Brussels
Full info here
An archive : 1999-2010-2019
This page is an archive of the iMAL website that operated between 2010 and 2019. It compiles activities and projects made since 1999.
For our most recent news and activities, please check our new website at