Evolutionary Drawing and Evolutionary Live Coding workshops
Saturday, 24 May 2014 | 11:30 - 17:30

Evolutionary Drawing workshop: 15€
Max 10 participants / registration mandatory.
Evolutionary Live Coding workshop: 30€
Max 12 participants / registration mandatory.
Les workshops se donnent en anglais (compréhension orale nécessaire)
The workshops will be given in English (oral understanding necessary)
De workshops zijn in het Engels begeleidt (mondeling begrip noodzakelijk)
Evolutionary Drawing Workshop:
Sunday 27 April 2014
14:00 - 17:00
Workshop fee: 15€
Max. 10 participants!
Evolutionary Live Coding Workshop:
Saturday 24 May 2014
11:30 - 17:30
Workshop fee: 30€
Max. 12 participants!
Workshops in English! (oral understanding necessary)
Registration: via the online form
Location: iMAL
30 Koolmijnenkaai - quai des Charbonnages
1080 Brussels
An archive : 1999-2010-2019
This page is an archive of the iMAL website that operated between 2010 and 2019. It compiles activities and projects made since 1999.
For our most recent news and activities, please check our new website at https://imal.org