MP0804-h (FR)
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Mixed-media installation, 2011 (work in progress)
junks, video-projection, software (VPT)
[FR] MP0804-h travaille autour des repères spirituels dans le contexte technologique et post-industriel. Après ToE (Theory of Everything), traitant des cosmogonies par la création d'un ciel étoilé de "Néons", il pointe ici une nouvelle Icône "Déchet".
"Loopwall #1.2 Sfumato" est un temple provisoire reprenant l'organisation typique d'une scène de vierge à l'enfant de la fin de la Renaissance.
[EN] MP0804-h works around spiritual guides in the technological and post-industrial context. After ToE (Theory of Everything), dealing with cosmogony by creating a starry sky of "Neon lights", he points here to a new "Waste" icon.
"Loopwall #1.2 Sfumato" is a temporary temple containing the organization of a typical scene of Madonna and child of the late Renaissance.
Concept: MP0804-h
An archive : 1999-2010-2019
This page is an archive of the iMAL website that operated between 2010 and 2019. It compiles activities and projects made since 1999.
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