Ali Momeni

Ali Momeni is into dynamic systems and moving targets; he works with kinetics, electronics, software, sound, light, people, plants and animals. His creative output ranges from sculptures and installations, to urban interventions and music theater performance.

Momeni was born in Isfahan, Iran and emigrated to the United States at the age of twelve. He completed his doctoral degree in music composition, improvisation and performance with computers from the Center for New Music and Audio Technologies in UC Berkeley. He spent three years in Paris where he collaborated with performers and researchers from La Kitchen, IRCAM, Sony CSL andCIRM. Between 2007 and 2011, Momeni was an assistant professor in the Department of Art at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, where he directed the Spark Festival of Electronic Music and Art, and founded the urban projection collective called the MAW. Momeni currently teaches in the School of Art at Carnegie Mellon University and oversees CMU ArtFab.



Rejoignez-nous lors de la Nuit Blanche Bruxelles! Le dispositif mobile de va parcourir les rues du centre-ville et projeter dans l'espace public des séquences filmées par des marionnettes augmentées, cet été, en Iran. Une façon pour Ali Momeni et Nima Dehghani (USA/Iran) d'aborder la problématique de la migration transnationale.


Dans le cadre de Connecting Cities: Participatory City 2014, iMAL organise un symposium de deux jours sur les médias urbains et la smart city, avec des invités internationaux renommés. Ce symposium servira d'introduction à un workshop intensif de six jours, pendant lequel des artistes déveloperont des projets explorant de nouvelles formes de participation urbaine. Les résultats de cette masterclass seront montrés dans l'espace urbain autour d'iMAL.