23 Mai - 25 Mai 2017
Conférence & masterclass avec Daniel Rourke
En 2015, Morehshin Allahyari & Daniel Rourke publient le 3D Additivist Manifesto, un appel à repousser les limites de l’impression 3D, voire à les dépasser, pour s’aventurer dans la spéculation, la provocation et l’étrange. Le 3D Additivist Cookbook, publié l’année passée, compile une série de projets qui répondent à cet appel.
Dans le cadre de l’exposition Shiv Integer, iMAL invite Daniel pour une conférence sur le Manifesto+Cookbook, ainsi qu’une masterclass additiviste de deux jours.
LECTURE: Daniel Rourke - The 3D Additivist Manifesto+Cookbook
24 mai 2017, 19:00 (gratuit! Inscription obligatoire sur le site du BOZAR)
BOZAR, Rue Ravensteinstraat 23, 1000 Brussels
MASTERCLASS with Daniel Rourke
25 & 26 mai 2017 (40€, inscription obligatoire sur notre site)
iMAL, Quai des Charbonnages Koolmijnenkaai 30, 1080 Brussels
About #Additivism
The 3D printer is a profound metaphor for our times. A technology for channeling creative endeavour, through digital processes, into the layering of raw matter excavated from ancient geological eras. Considered as a tool for art, design and engineering, and gesturing towards a forthcoming era of synthetic chemistry and biological augmentation, 3D fabrication technologies are already a site of common exchange between disciplines and material modalities. 3D fabrication can be thought of as the critical framework of #Additivism: a movement that aims to disrupt material, social, computational, and metaphysical realities through provocation, collaboration, and ‘weird’ / science fictional thinking.
#Additivism is a portmanteau of additive and activism, gesturing to the scale at which new forms of action and intervention take place. Morehshin Allahyari & Daniel Rourke's Manifesto and Cookbook question whether it’s possible to change the world without also changing ourselves, and what the implications are of taking a position. They are concerned with critiquing the role ‘radical’ new technologies might have in these changes, from fablabs, workshops, and classrooms, through to social, ecological, and global scales.
Allahyari & Rourke embrace the 3D Printer in the same way that Donna Haraway embraced the figure of the Cyborg in her influential text A Cyborg Manifesto (1983). By considering the 3D printer as a technology for remodeling thought into profound, and often nightmarish, new shapes #Additivism aims to expose in-betweens, empower the powerless, and question the presupposed.
More on additivism.org
About Daniel Rourke
In his work Daniel exploits speculative and science fiction in search of a radical ‘outside’ to the human(ities), including extensive research on the intersection between digital materiality, the arts, and posthumanism. In his artistic practice Daniel devises and creates collaborative platforms that promote open and critical discourse on the topics of media theory and posthumanism.
More on machinemachine.net
Infos Pratiques
24 mai 2017, 19:00
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25 & 26 mai 2017
@ iMAL
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La conférence et la masterclass se déroulent en anglais!
Galerie Média <>
24 mai 2017, 19:00
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25 & 26 mai 2017
@ iMAL
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La conférence et la masterclass se déroulent en anglais!
Une archive : 1999-2010-2019
Cette page est une archive du site d'iMAL tel qu'il existait entre 2010 et 2019. Il documente activités et projets créés depuis 1999.
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