Video Game for Art
27 Octobre - 28 Octobre 2018

An introduction to the Godot engine
During this two-days workshop, you will discover the potential of the Godot libre video games engine. Through a series of small demos, you will get familiar with the various aspects of real-time 3D projects: importing objects; creating materials; managing lighting and cameras; and introducing interactivity with scripting!
This workshop will focus on using these tools in an artistic context, in particular through the OSC protocol. OSC will allow Godot to communicate with other softwares more commonly used in the field of digital art, like SuperCollider, Puredata, IanniX, and more!
This workshop is lead by artist/developer/educator François Zajéga.
About Godot
Godot is a videogame engine, a complete tool for creating videogames and interactive experiences, released under a MIT license. Its development is supported by an international community, with version 3 released earlier this year. Easier to handle than its proprietary competitors, it allows beginners to get started with the creation of game-like experiences..
Official website:
Basic knowledge in 3D or scripting (python, javascript, lua, etc.) is a plus, as we won’t have time to introduce you to these fields during these two days!
In practice
The workshop will take place on Saturday 27 and Sunday 28 October, at F\LAT (25th floor of the World Trade Center tower I, Albert II Boulevard 28-30, 1000 Brussels).
As the access to the building outside of office hours is limited, it’s very important that you register 2 days before the start of the workshop the latest.
Wat breng je mee?
- a recent laptop
- Godot, already installed before the start of the workshop,
If you wish to create or modify 3D models, it’s recommended to install the libre 3D modelling software Blender on your computer.
* Godot 3.0 requires a GPU compatible with OpenGL ES 3.0, which includes:
- Nvidia GeForce 8000 series (2006), and more recent models
- Radeon 2000 series (2007), and more recent models
- Intel HD Graphics 2000, that were integrated with 2011's Intel Core i3/5/7 2xxx series (aka Sandy Bridge), and more recent models.
If you only have an Intel HD Graphics chipset, it might be necessary to update your Intel display driver.
In practice
Infos Pratiques
27-28 Oct. 2018, 10:00 - 17:00
Seats are limited!
Please register through this form before 25/10!
Price: pay what you want
Location: F\LAT
World-Trade-Center Tour I
25th floor
28-30 boulevard Roi Albert II
The workshop is given in French
(François understands & speaks English)
Galerie Média <>
Header pic by François Zajéga
2 & 3 by Xavier K.
This workshop is lead by François Zajéga, artist/developer/teacher living in Brussels, in the framework of his libre videogame bazaar
The workshop space is made available by F\LAT, Free \ Libre Art and Technology.
27-28 Oct. 2018, 10:00 - 17:00
Seats are limited!
Please register through this form before 25/10!
Price: pay what you want
Location: F\LAT
World-Trade-Center Tour I
25th floor
28-30 boulevard Roi Albert II
The workshop is given in French
(François understands & speaks English)
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