Thinking/Acting in Alliance
Samedi, 2 Février 2019 | 10:30 - 13:00
First steps towards a Digital Climate Agreement*
Our sociocultural environment risks becoming unlivable due to political, economic and ecological developments in and around the digital environment. Though many initiatives to counter the negative impact of the course of development in digital technologies exist we feel the need for a broad movement in which these come together.
Through a series of "unconference" type events we aim to bring together people from social, cultural and technological backgrounds to, in the end, reach an agreement on how to keep the digital environment open and healthy. The first meeting in the series will take place at Transmediale 2019, in Berlin. There, we want to define the core issues we face and possibly come up with the first steps towards actual solutions we can develop together.
Other meetings will follow in other European cities through the year (eg. Brussels, Paris, De Haag). We hope to be able to present a Digital Climate Agreement (DCA) at Transmediale 2020 that is more viable than the Paris COP21 climate agreement.
To develop the DCA, people with expertise in the relevant topics are explicitly invited to join the discussion. We specifically urge influencers and people in the top of social, cultural, political and technological organisations and companies (small organisations and companies included) to take part. The intention is for the alliance behind the DCA meetings to grow and for possible smaller collaborations and alliances to be formed.
Topics at least include: Thinking & Acting in Alliance, Digital Infrastructures (hardware, software), Freedom of Speech / Responsibility, Preservation of Digital Cultures, Sustainable Digital Environment.
Due to the participatory character of the meeting (we want all voices to be heard) seats are limited.
The Digital Climate Agreement is an idea proposed by iMAL (Brussels), developed in collaboration with critic Josephine Bosma, and the participation of:
Cathleen Berger (Mozilla), Sarah Grant (Radical Networks), Dmytri Kleiner (Telekommunisten), Lieke Ploeger (Disruption Network Lab, Open Knowledge International), Gaby Wijers (LIMA).
* This event is not about digital technologies as a tool to combat global warming, but a call for saving the digital environment, with the same urgency than climate change!
Infos Pratiques
Saturday 2 February
10:30 - 13:00 @ K1
Haus der Kulturen der Welt
John-Foster-Dulles-Allee 10
10557 Berlin
Seats are limited
Register here
Galerie Média <>
Produced by iMal In collaboration with Transmediale.
An event curated by Yves Bernard and Josephine Bosma, with first contribution by Luce Goutelle.
Header picture based on a photo by Rose Thumboor released under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 licence.
Saturday 2 February
10:30 - 13:00 @ K1
Haus der Kulturen der Welt
John-Foster-Dulles-Allee 10
10557 Berlin
Seats are limited
Register here
Une archive : 1999-2010-2019
Cette page est une archive du site d'iMAL tel qu'il existait entre 2010 et 2019. Il documente activités et projets créés depuis 1999.
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