Intangible States
Thursday, 31 May 2012 | 20:00 - 22:00

Public presentation
Stray Dogs (Frederik Meulyzer & Koenraad Ecker) and Legoman (Yannick Jacquet) present an audiovisual installation based on their live-performance “Intangible States” and developed during a one week residency at iMAL.
100 cardboard boxes will be used to make a modular, site-specific scenography, used as a collection of multiple projection surfaces. The aim is to fully exploit the possibilities of working in an installation-environment, through the use of spatialised sound and visuals, immersing the audience in the installation in a way not possible in a live-performance context.
Through the use of repetition, the physicality of sound and the absence of linear development they aspire to bring the audience into an intense, trance-like state.
Practical Info
from 20:00-22:00
Free entrance
The bar is open!
Location: iMAL
30 Koolmijnenkaai - quai des Charbonnages
1080 Brussels, BE
Media Gallery <>
View on Vimeo Intangible States. View on Flickr Intangible States. View on Flickr Intangible States. View on Flickr Intangible States. View on Flickr Intangible States. View on Flickr Intangible States — Enlarge Intangible States — Enlarge Intangible States — Enlarge Enlarge
Pictures 2-6: iMAL
Pictures 7-10: Yannick Jacquet
Concept & development:
Stray Dogs (Frederik Meulyzer & Koenraad Ecker) / music
Legoman (Yannick Jacquet) / visuals, lighting, scenography
Production :
With the support of iMAL
Thanks to Q-O2! for the equipment
from 20:00-22:00
Free entrance
The bar is open!
Location: iMAL
30 Koolmijnenkaai - quai des Charbonnages
1080 Brussels, BE
An archive : 1999-2010-2019
This page is an archive of the iMAL website that operated between 2010 and 2019. It compiles activities and projects made since 1999.
For our most recent news and activities, please check our new website at