Lumisokea & Legoman: "Selva" vinyl album covers
3 September - 5 September 2012

For the sleeve design of their upcoming album “Selva”, Lumisokea collaborated with Yannick Jacquet (aka Legoman), using the unique possibilities of a laser cutter.
The result are 200 unique sleeves based on a design made by Yannick Jacquet, laser-cut one by one at iMAL, Brussels. Afterwards, they photographed each sleeve, animating them in a short promotional movie consisting of 200 frames, revealing the unity behind the 200 slightly different designs.
"Selva" is forthcoming on Eat Concrete, and will be released on november 15th. The album will be available on vinyl (including download voucher) as well as on digital formats.
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An archive : 1999-2010-2019
This page is an archive of the iMAL website that operated between 2010 and 2019. It compiles activities and projects made since 1999.
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