Intangible States

Thursday, 31 May 2012 | 18:00 - 20:00
Intangible States

Public presentation

Stray Dogs (Frederik Meulyzer & Koenraad Ecker) and Legoman (Yannick Jacquet) present an audiovisual installation based on their live-performance “Intangible States” and developed during a one week residency at iMAL.

100 cardboard boxes will be used to make a modular, site-specific scenography, used as a collection of multiple projection surfaces. The aim is to fully exploit the possibilities of working in an installation-environment, through the use of spatialised sound and visuals, immersing the audience in the installation in a way not possible in a live-performance context.

Through the use of repetition, the physicality of sound and the absence of linear development they aspire to bring the audience into an intense, trance-like state.

Practical Info

from 20:00-22:00

Free entrance
The bar is open!

Location: iMAL
30 Koolmijnenkaai - quai des Charbonnages
1080 Brussels, BE

Media Gallery

Pictures 2-6: iMAL
Pictures 7-10: Yannick Jacquet


Concept & development:
Stray Dogs (Frederik Meulyzer & Koenraad Ecker) / 
Legoman (Yannick Jacquet) / visuals, lighting, scenography

Production : 
With the support of iMAL

Thanks to Q-O2! for the equipment