Sarah Grant

Sarah Grant is an American media artist and educator based in Berlin. With a focus on radio and computer networking, she researches and develops open source software, artworks as educational tools, and workshops that demystify computer networking technology. She organizes the Radical Networks conference in New York and Berlin, a community event and arts festival for people doing critical investigations and creative experiments with computer networking.



Ways of Connecting places in conversation two pieces that reveal and translate in new forms the infrastructures and mechanisms underlying our connected environment. On Saturday 27 April, join us for a debate between Evan Roth & Raphaël Bastide, introduced and moderated by Sarah Grant (Radical Networks).


Our first event this year take places at Transmediale 2019 in Berlin! It will be the first of a series of European "unconferences" aiming to reach an agreement on how to keep the digital environment open and healthy. With Josephine Bosma (critic), Cathleen Berger (Mozilla), Sarah Grant (Radical Networks), Dmytri Kleiner (Telekommunisten), Lieke Ploeger (Spektrum Berlin, Open Knowledge Foundation), Gaby Wijers (LIMA).