Blockchain. Fact. Fiction. Future
4 November - 5 November 2016

[EN] Artists, geeks and hackers are invited to present in 15 minutes their projects, imagining tools, systems, practices and counter-practices that either challenge or take advantage of the blockchain technology.
[FR] Artistes, geeks et hackers sont invités à présenter en 15 minutes chacun leurs projets, imaginant des outils, systèmes, pratiques et contres-pratiques qui tantôt défient la technologie de la blockchain, tantôt la mettent à profit.
[NL] Kunstenaars, geeks en hackers stellen projecten, uitgevonden tools, systemen, praktijken en contra-praktijken voor, die de blockchain-technologie ofwel uitdagen of er gebruik van maken.
Friday 4/11, 20:00 – 22:30. Free entrance!
Registration recommended through this form.
Moderators:Bram Crevits
19:30 - Doors Open
20:00 - 21:15
- Jelle Gerbrandy (IT)
Backfeed - David Guez (FR)
Kronos - Rieu Techer (FR)
DAISEE - Enric Duran (SP)
21:15 - 21:30
- Coffee Break
21:30 - 22:30
- LarbitsSisters (BE)
bitREPUBLIC - Jaromil (NL)
Entropical - Isabelle Humbert-Radtke (FR)
Forest as DAO - Max Dovey (UK)
About the Speakers and their projects
Jaromil (IT/NL)
activist, artist-developer, D-CENT
Entropical, a research project on value creation exploring pardigms in distributed energy and value re-cycling
Abpt the Speaker
Denis Roio (aka Jaromil) is a researcher in philosophy of technology, an artist and a software artisan whose creations are endorsed by the Free Software Foundation. He has been involved in Bitcoin since the early days, and since 2000 he has been dedicated to building, a software house gathering the contributions of a growing number of developers who value social responsibility above profit. Jaromil is leading D-CENT development of Freecoin, a blockchain-enabled digital social currency and has been invited at the event by organiser Paul Buitink to explore the opportunities of Bitcoin beyond its function as a currency.
David Guez (FR)
Kronos, a currency based on human time
The Kronos project proposes the creation of a currency whose index is based on human time. Thus, a unit of that currency, one Kronos, corresponds to one hour spent on an activity by a person or a group of people.The kronos project will be developped into a decentralised and secure exchange system ie the blockchain system.
About the Speaker
The Kronos is placed in a logic of common goods.avid Guez creates artistic projects related to new medias that mainly focus on the themes of memory and time. He also worked on the creation of many collaborative platforms that question the uses and limitations of new technologies, while offering new alternatives. His projects are produced and present in numerous art centres (Centre Pompidou, Jeu de paume Gaité lyrique, Plateau, Centre Barbara, Banff, File Festival Brazil, ISEA 2015/2016…) and receive media coverage (New York Times, The World, Release, Télérama, France-culture…) and institutional support (CNC, SCAM, ARCADI).
Jelle Gerbrandy (IT)
Backfeed, a social operating system for decentralized organizations:
From Autonomy to Collaboration
The Blockchain is not just an ICT innovation - it's real potential is as a platform for new forms of social and economic collaboration. Backfeed proposes a social operating system for decentralized organizations that enables massive open-source collaboration without central coordination: a distributed governance system for blockchain-based applications allowing for the collaborative creation and distribution of value in spontaneously emerging networks of peers.
About the Speaker
Jelle Gerbrandy studied philosophy, logic and mathematics at the Institute of Logic, Language and Computation at the University Amsterdam, and has a Ph.D. in Logic. He also worked at the as a researcher at various academic institutions, and taught several courses. As a software developer, Gerbrandy has more than 10 years experience working with all layers of the "full stack" of web development, from system administration, database development, web server frameworks and front-end development, but also experiencing with the blockchain technology. He led small development teams as a project manager and ICT architect. At the moment he is the CTO of Backfeed.
LarbitsSisters (BE)
Media artists, LARbitsLAB
bitREPUBLIC - Designs for a virtual DIY refuge for the stateless and homeless
About the Speaker
Under the name LarbitsSisters, Bénédicte and Laure-Anne Jacobs form a duo. An important part of their work focuses on the exploration of digital technologies. Emerging issues such as privacy, digital identity, 2.0 practices form the starting point of their artistic approach. On each occasion the challenge is unique: examining societal and technical implications by closely observing the creative drives and motives in digital media. For the duo, their customs and practices are above all materials and tools of investigation, creation and innovation allowing works to be developed that questions the critical issues of today’s society. In 2011 LarbitsSisters founded the Research lab on Digital Visualizations, Larbitslab. Larbitslab brings together artists and scientists around the societal issue of networked societies. The specificity of larbitslab lies in the methodological approach, which combines closely observing practices, media analysis and research on the technical and societal implications.
Max Dovey (UK)
28.3% man, 14.1% artist and 8.4% successful
What happens when you turn marriage into a smart contract? handfastr is a mobile application that enables partners, friends or strangers to bind their mutual assets into a shared digital wallet. The project was developed with Design & Informatics Department of Edinburgh University during Design and the City, a conference organised by Amsterdam University of applied science (UVA)
About the Speaker
Max Dovey is the project associate for Moneylab, an event based research program into alternative currencies at the Institute of Network Cultures. He describes himself as 28.3% man, 14.1% artist and 8.4% successful. He holds a BA Hons in Fine Art: Time Based Media and a MA (MDes) in Media Design from Piet Zwart Institute. He is a writer on the politics of decentralized technology and frequently gives lectures on algorithmic agreeability and computational culture. His performance artworks have been shown at festivals such as Ars electronica (Linz, Austria) Secret Garden Party (Cambridge, UK) and in the 56th Venice Biennale (Venice, Italy). He has participated in group exhibitions at Whitechapel Gallery (London, UK), Upstream Gallery (Amsterdam, Netherlands) and V2_Institute for Unstable Media (Rotterdam, Netherlands).
Rieul Techer (FR)
Co-founder Paillasse Saône, project DAISEE
DAISEE - Energy as a common
DAISEE is an open design research program dedicated to the deployment of trusted peer-to-peer energy infrastructures. After a 6 month experiment of blockchain technology application in this field, what are our feedbacks and what's to come while talking about distributed peer-to-peer systems in the energy field ?
About the Speaker
With a professional and academic background in the energy field, Rieul Techer is an entrepreneur with a hacker mindset, passionate about society development and evolution. Techer develops sustainable solutions in an open and collaborative context. He leads the project DAISEE, an energy game changing open-source project which aim is to make “The internetS of Energy” real, and DAISEE the standard for energy prosumers transactions.
Isabelle Humbert-Radtke (FR)
Sculptor & engineer, Les Usines Louise
Forest as a DAO (The Plandoid project: context, et prospectives)
Looking back at the Plantoid project initiated last year at the Ars Electronica festival by Primavera de Filippi: A short story about the artist and nature lover perspective on the blockchain or why Forest as a natural DAO (decentralized autonomous organization) could be a step towards symbiotic bioproduction.
About the Speaker
Isabelle Radtke is sculptor and bio-hacker at La Paillasse Saône. She created the LUL project to give shape to an intuition she called “tools to think with your hands” that shifts the creative process towards sustainable and frugal solutions. These tools will be invented and created by means of sketches, poetic and technical periods. As an open project, can get involved in its research. Doing so, Radtke hopes to instigate a co-creative process to develop an art form that would belong to those using and making it.
Enric Duran (ES)
Activist, financial disobedient, Faircoop
FairCoop is an open global cooperative ecosystem, self-organized via the Internet and the local nodes by open assemblies. Based on the principles of Integral Revolution, Peer-to-Peer Commons and Hacker Ethics, FairCoop aims to make the transition to a new world by reducing the economic and social inequalities among human beings as much as possible and, at the same time, gradually contribute to a new global wealth accessible to all humankind as commons.
FairCoop understands that the transformation to a fairer monetary system is a key element. Therefore, Faircoin has been chosen as the cryptocurrency upon which to base its resource-redistribution actions and building of a new global economic system. One of the key FairCoop projects its FreedomCoop a European Cooperative Society (SCE) that creates toolkits for self-management, self-employment, economic autonomy and financial disobedience for individuals and groups striving for fairer social and economic relationships.
Friday 4 November, 14:00 - 18:00
(doors: 13:30)
Registration recommended!
Friday 4 November, 20:00 - 22:00
Registration recommended!
Saturday 5 November, 10:00 - 17:30
Registration mandatory!
Fee: 30€
Location : iMAL
Friday's lectures will be streamed on Youtube.
An archive : 1999-2010-2019
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