Archives : Workshops

24 July - 24 August 2012

Initiated in 2005, the Summer Digital Art Workshops go on with this 8th edition! This year, we introduce a new workshop around digital fabrication, christening our brand new Fab...

27 June 2012

bar.temp is a pop up bar that blends media and electronic cultures together with a cosy atmosphere. It will invade iMAL for the second time with o.a. musical playlists by Laid Back, Project: Mooncircle, Mea Kusma; a sonic performance by ...

28 April - 29 April 2012

With an Arduino you can collect a lot of sensor data, from smelling gasses to measuring temperature or light and lots more. But how do you save these data? How do you actuate the outside world, transfer bits and bytes online, without using a computer?

28 March - 29 March 2012

bar.temp is a pop up bar that aims to link art, web culture and people. bar.temp will temporary take over the exhibition space of iMAL and transform it into a cosy place for eclectic and curious minds.

1 March - 2 March 2012

Not So Crazy! Productions, in collaboration with iMAL, proposes a workshop dedicated to media professionals who intend to go into web documentaries creation.

18 February - 26 February 2012

This openLAB is the first masterclass on Digital Fabrication at iMAL. With an emphasis on forms generated by code, it will end with an exhibition of the works produced by the participants.

10 December 2011

Our Saturday workshop comes back with 2 ever-present topics: how to make 2 computers or softwares talk to each other and how to find our way amongst these little components that prevents our little...

12 November - 13 November 2011

Michael J. Schumacher is a composer, performer and installation artist based in New York City. He works predominantly with electronic and digital media, making computer generated sound environments that evolve continuously for long time periods. During this workshop, Michael...

28 September - 1 October 2011

For Nuit Blanche and Todays Art Festival in Brussels we invite you to take control of miniMAL, the low-res, low-tech media facade created by iMAL during the...

16 September - 18 September 2011

With: Peter Beyls, Prof. Marc Van Hulle (Mind Speller), Christophe De Boeck (Staalhemel), Thierry Castermans (...