Fablab Mobile

Together with Move asbl, BeMaker, Scientothèque / Expérimentarium ULB, Fablab Brussels (Erasmushogeschool / VUB), Fablab'ke and Syntonie (Openfab / VéloM2) and with the support of the Brussels-Capital Region, iMAL is collaborating in 2018-2019 to a mobile fablab project.

The aim of this project is to raise young people's awareness of and training in science and technology. The mobile fablab consists of two different types of complementary mobile structures, a Tech Truck and a series of fab-bikes.The programme starts with raising a first awareness among youngsters via the Tech Truck, which is set up at schools, in public spaces and at events to reach young people there.

Other activities, both within the school and outside the school, are also set up to encourage young people to bring their projects to the existing fablabs in the Brussels region.

Through the discovery of these technologies and their almost infinite creative capacities, we hope to stimulate young people's creativity and open them to a new world of possibilities.