MFF 2010: Artvertising Brussels
30 September - 3 October 2010

Artvertising Brussels - The Results
Commercial streets such as “Rue neuve” in Brussels contains impressive rupture between brands, economy, and poverty around us, by the reproduction of reality in ads. The environment generates questions and problems that artvertising should highlight, criticise and denounce.
The representation of the woman, based on beauty codes, among the urban space and the social network, put an unconscious pressure, thanks to Mass media, and leads us to a visual identification. But the truth isn't what the street necessarily suggests. The goal of this workshop is to rethink those spaces, without any physical intervention or something that cannot be in town. Video sphere isn't present in Brussels yet, and permits the integration of it. Direct link with the previous support. The goal is not to forget nor replace, but purpose an alternative visual, designing a specific project for a specific site, and not use billboards such as support for my personal work.
The “Point” video is based on a reflexion about how writing is imposed inside public spaces for commercial purposes. Advertising uses techniques such as typography and slogans to get their written message across. As soon as we read the message a voice is recreated in our head forcing us to “own” it. “Point” uses those same techniques to achieve the opposite effect. It explores this imbalanced “communication” process by the means of questions.
The goal is to activate the reader, to consciously resonate inside his mind, signifying an end, highlighting the moment, and pointing to a new beginning, standing as a critical point inside the urban maze.
Thus, its ultimate ambition is to celebrate void, resulting in a non-profit brain-wash.
Melis Tezkan is a visual and performance artist, she lives in Istanbul and Paris.
Erazoreye is a project that makes you erasing ads with a digital rubber tool
Nicolas Kunysz is a master graduated, awards winning Belgian designer, artist and freelance programmer. Nicolas got an open ended vision of art & design. He uses a very plural set of tools, from programming to ceramic making. Always looking for crossover solutions and tweaking processes, Nicolas enjoy himself in a creative environment. He has been working in Brussels, Gent, Berlin, Paris, Reykjavik and he is currently looking for new creative opportunities.
This picture extends the project of my art location target, selected for the workshop The Advertiser; any sign of identity (marks+faces) is masked & the protomorphs go downtown; this to point the blind and forbidden sense of our infra-function as scripted bodies, temporary occurences in the super-class of the species, biomaticly formatted as DNA replicator instances.
Cette image développe le projet du lieu-cible sélectionné pour le workshop Advertiser; masquer tout signe d'identité (marques + visages) & les protomorphes descendent en ville: ceci pour pointer le sens interdit et aveugle de notre infra-fonction comme corps codés : occurences temporaires dans la super-classe de l'espèce, biomatiquement formatés comme instances réplicatrices d'ADN.
Rémi Evrard Da Troa is a young multidisciplinary creator (veeJay, video, visual performer, electronic arts, media innovation and development, design, graphic designer, photography, painting,...) interested in the "sensory world" study through image, perspective, movement, colors, lines, forms,...
This type of exploration is complex due to the various levels; but it's what motivates and boosts him.
The practice of all these disciplines allows him to have a large focus, an open-mind and willingness to share its feelings with others... which is the essence/substance of communication.
Art director Of Blair Magazine
What if residual noise, electromagnetical interferences, background radiations and transmission errors were the emanation of an invisible, unsuspected reality?
Workshop Thu 30 Sept and Fri 1 Oct,
Public presentation Sat 2 Oct (departures from iMAL)
Postponed to Sun 3 Oct, 10AM, still from iMAL!
Participant profile: media and visual artists
Max participants: 15
Spoken language: English
Participation fee: 30€ (lunches included)
Deadline registration: 22 Sept 2010
Locations: iMAL and Brussels streets
An archive : 1999-2010-2019
This page is an archive of the iMAL website that operated between 2010 and 2019. It compiles activities and projects made since 1999.
For our most recent news and activities, please check our new website at