HC Gilje

For nearly a decade, artist HC Gilje has explored in his works the potential of using video projections as light sources.

In 1999-2000, he developed the project VideoNervous as his first experiment in projecting video into three-dimensional spaces and onto physical bodies.

In 2008, HC Gilje released VPT, a free, multipurpose realtime projection software for Mac and Windows.

HC Gilje works with installations, live performance, set design and single-channel video. Gilje has presented his work through different channels throughout the world: in concert-venues, theatres and cinemas, galleries, festivals, outdoors and through several international DVD releases, including 242.pilots live in Bruxelles on New York label Carpark and Cityscapes on Paris-label Lowave. He was a member of the video-impro trio 242.pilots, and was also the visual motor of dance company kreutzerkompani. Gilje initiated the project "Conversations with spaces" (while working as a research fellow at Kunstakademiet in Bergen 2006-9) where he explores how audiovisual technology can be used to transform, create, expand, amplify and interpret physical spaces. Born 1969 in Kongsberg. Educated at Kunstakademiet in Trondheim 95-99. 

Hc Gilje's recent work 'Blink' was part of the 'Trust' exhibition, ISEA 2010, Dortmund.

More on http://hcgilje.com



L'artiste norvégien HC Gilje présente une installation in situ qui épouse les formes et contours d'iMAL. En investissant l'espace de ses projections, l'artiste engage un dialogue avec la lumière, le son et l'architecture tout en immergeant le spectateur dans une expérience sensorielle inhabituelle.


Après une semaine de production intensive, les participants de l'openLAB masterclass "Projection on forms and spaces" présenteront leurs projets au sein de l'espace architectural d'iMAL. Le temps d'un weekend, les visiteurs pourront découvrir ces toutes nouvelles créations jouant avec lumière, média, volumes et espace.


Dans la continuité de ses master-classes, iMAL a conçu, en collaboration avec l'artiste HC Gilje (NO), un nouvel openLAB (workshop orienté projet) sur l'utilisation de la lumière, de l'espace et des technologies pour la conception de nouvelles formes d'oeuvres visuelles.


For the opening of iMAL new venue, the inaugural exhibition "Hybrid World" explores the merge between the Internet and the physical world. It is enriched with a programme of concerts and performances.


Un workshop intensif de 5 jours explorant l'environnement de MAX ainsi que des programmes d'édition vidéo pour des installations interactives et des performances audiovisuelles en temps réel.


At the invitation of iMAL, 242.pilots, the live video improvisation trio, gave a concert in Bruxelles, at Theatre Mercelis, on 20.2.2002. It is available on DVD with the complete interview of the pilots made by Interieur Nuit (RTBF): "Live in Brussels" released by CarPark Records.