Hybrid World
4 Octobre - 7 Octobre 2007

Inaugural events (exhibition + concerts/performances) for the opening of iMAL new venue
On October 4 2007, iMAL (interactive Media Art Lab) opens its new venue, the first Center for Digital Cultures and Technology in Brussels, a new place of about 600m2 for the meeting of artistic, scientific and industrial innovations.
The inaugural programme is composed of an exhibition (Hybrid World), concerts and performances from 4 to 7 of October with artists from Belgium, Europe, USA and Second Life. The exhibition explores the hybrid world merging the Internet and the physical world.
Exhibition Artists:
Yannick Antoine (BE), Yves Bernard (BE), Jonah Brucker-Cohen (USA), HC Gilje (NO), Linda Hifling (DK), Thomas Israël (BE), Walter Langelaar (NL), Sascha Pohflepp (DE), Domenico Quaranta (IT), Antoine Schmitt (FR), SecondFront & Odyssey (Second Life), Walter Verdin (BE).
Concerts&Performances Artists:
Mathieu Chamagne (FR), Pia Baltazar (FR), HC Gilje (NO) & Justin Bennett (UK), Visual Kitchen (BE) & Eavesdropper (BE), Sven König (DE)
Galerie Média <>
Une archive : 1999-2010-2019
Cette page est une archive du site d'iMAL tel qu'il existait entre 2010 et 2019. Il documente activités et projets créés depuis 1999.
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