Les Ateliers Numériques d'été 2011
5 July - 19 August 2011

Stage de 4 jours: 140€ / Module de 3 jours: 105€
Maximum 15 participants / inscription obligatoire.
Max 15 participants / registration mandatory.
Max 15 deelnemers / inschrijving verplicht
Les ateliers se donnent en Français, les formateurs parlent cependant aussi l'Anglais.
The workshops will be given in French, but the teachers speak English as well.
De ateliers zijn in het Frans begeleidt, maar de leraren spreken ook het Engels
4 days course: 140€
3 days module: 105€
Courses in French! (teachers speak English as well)
Registration(s): via the online form
Attention : Register on time, the number of participants is limited (max. 15 persons). The workshops request a minimum number of registrations. Once it has, practical info for the payment will be send. Your registration is confirmed once your fee is paid.
Location: iMAL
An archive : 1999-2010-2019
This page is an archive of the iMAL website that operated between 2010 and 2019. It compiles activities and projects made since 1999.
For our most recent news and activities, please check our new website at https://imal.org