FabLab iMAL
February 2012

The CNC mill
iMAL CNC routing/milling/engraving machine is a High-Z S-720 from German manufacturer cnc-step.
It's a 3 axis machine with a working area of 720x420mm (and 110mm in height). It is equipped with a Kress 1050W (10.000-30.000 rpm) spindle. We have a first set of tools (mills, drills) to cut and sculpt wood, plastic or soft metal (e.g. aluminium) and engrave PCB. The machine can be expanded to 4 axis and equipped with more powerful spindle for working harder material.
A dedicated PC (Win XP) is configured with various softwares to generate tool paths (machine gcode instructions) from 2d and 2.5d designs. Besides the basic softwares supplied by the manufacturer (Win-PC NC and ConstructCAM), we are testing various other CAM packages.
Pages about the CNC Mill on Wikimal: http://www.imal.org/wikimal/tagged/CNC%20mill
Basic instructions: http://www.imal.org/wikimal/resource/imal-cnc-high-z-s-720
An archive : 1999-2010-2019
This page is an archive of the iMAL website that operated between 2010 and 2019. It compiles activities and projects made since 1999.
For our most recent news and activities, please check our new website at https://imal.org