Generator.x 3.0 : from code to atoms
18 februari - 26 februari 2012

Practical Info
The "Generator.x 3.0" masterclass will take place at iMAL (Brussels) under the leading of Marius Watz (No) from 18th to 24th of February, 2012. The masterclass will be followed by an exhibition of the realized projects from 25th to 26th of February at iMAL. The results of the workshop will be documented online.
Artists, architects, designers, developers, creative people are welcome to send their project proposals through the 'Call for Projects' form until the 20th of January, 2012.
Max. 12 participants will be selected. Projects will be selected according to original artistic quality and feasibiity (time, equipment, space, budget). Pairs of participants with complementary skills are welcome, eg. a visual artists/designer and a developer.
Besides Marius, two assistants (one software, one hardware) will help the participants in the elaboration and production of their own work.
The workshop langage will be English.
Important dates
January 20th: Call for participation deadline (submit your proposal through the registration form)
January 24th: Selected candidates are informed
January 25th: online preparation starts with Marius Watz, iMALs team, and selected participants
February 18-24th: production Lab - projects are produced at iMAL, Brussels
(during this period, participants can arrange their presence according to their other activities)
Februaryl 25-26th: exhibition of the projects at iMAL, Brussels (vernissage on Friday 24th, 19h00)
Participants should have a basic knowledge in Processing or other similar programming languages.
Selected participants should have their own laptop (Mac/PC/Linux) compatible with the Processing environment. Three 3d Printers, a laser cutter and other audio-visual and digital equipment will be provided by iMAL.
Workshop Fee
50 EUR (weekend lunches + drinks included)
25-26 februari, 12:00-18:00
Vernissage vrijdag 24 feb, 18:00
Vrije toegang!
Workshop / Productie Lab
18-24 februari
Workshop Fee: 50€
(weekend lunches + dranken inclusief)
Inschrijvingen gesloten
30, Koolmijnenkaai
1080 Brussel
Andere evenement:
Marius Watz: Mark Making
Tentoonstelling bij MediaRuimte
29.02 > 31.03.12
+ opening & concert 25.02, 20:00
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