Kennismaking met Blockchain, Faircoin & FreedomCoop
4 november - 14 november 2016

Perspectieven op de blockchain-technologie
In deze showcase worden verschillende perspectieven op de blockchain-technologie gepresenteerd. Naast de drie video essays 'Change Everything Forever' (een Furtherfield film in samenwerking met Digital Catapult - Pete Gomes en Ruth Catlow), 'Blockchain, an architecture of control?' van Louise Drulhe en 'V-formation, a freedom coop’ van Sue Ferge, zal Pieter Heremans experimenteren met de visualisatie van Faircoin blockchain transacties.
De presentatie focust o.m. op de sociale cryptovaluta Faircoin en de bijbehorende FreedomCoop. Faircoin claimt het eerste, eerlijk verdeelde, cryptogeld te zijn. Freedom Coop is een activistische juridische structuur, die toolkits aanbiedt voor self-management, zelfstandig ondernemerschap, economische autonomie en financiële ongehoorzaamheid voor individuen en groepen, die streven naar eerlijkere sociale en economische relaties. Faircoin en FreedomCoop worden geïnitieerd door FairCoop.
About the artists
Furtherfield is an international hub for arts, technology and social change. Since 1997, Furtherfield has created online platforms and physical places for exhibitions, labs and debates where different types of people explore today’s important questions. Furtherfield is based in London with a Gallery and Lab in Finsbury Park.
Graduated from Ensad (École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs de Paris), Louise Drulhe (1990) works as a graphic designer and artist in Paris. She develops a research project that aims to visualise digital landscapes. In her publication The Critical Atlas of the Internet, she studies the space of the Internet through a series of representations. She is currently working on a cartography of the Internet during a residency at Lafayette Plug and Play.
Faircoop is an open global cooperative, self-organized via the Internet and remaining outside nation-state control. Faircoop develops tools for a fair economy. -
Being a visual anthropologist Sue Ferge (US/IE) collaborated as a student/participant in the peer-learning process of the Open Design course (for refugees) at KASK / School of Arts Ghent. Here projects ‘Khabz daula’ and ‘Evaluated’ were presented at Emergent gallery in Veurne (BE) during the ‘Meervoud’ exhibition.
Pieter Heremans, excavator of digital artifacts, is civil engineer and technical advisor for new media artists. He is currently affiliated with the Experimental Media Research Group (EMRG, St Lucas School of Arts, Antwerp, Belgium) as researcher, and member of Hackerspace Brussels.
Praktische Info
Open Monday-Friday, 13:00-18:00
+ on appointment
Free entrance!
Location: iMAL
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