So, what about Politics? - #SWAP
3 november - 4 november 2017

#SWAP: Day 2
Saturday 4/11, 10:00 - 17:00.
Registration required - Register here !
Moderator: Civic Innovation Network (CIN), Brussels
09:30 - Doors Open
10:00 - 12:30
Parallel workshops:
- Workshop1 (Part 1) by Sanna Ghotbi & Vanessa Me Tonini (DigidemLab)
Citizen Platform Install Fest
The citizen platform Consul is used by Madrid and over thirty other cities in Spain, as well as several cities in Latin America. In the last few months it has also been used by the social housing company of Paris for participatory budgeting and the British People's Momentum for their annual meeting. This makes it one of the most interesting and well used open source projects for deliberative democracy right now. In this participatory workshop, we will install Consul on our computers and together collect our feelings about the installation and setup process. Which improvements are needed, how can we lower the threshold for installation? How can we make Consul a widely used tool, not just in Spain but worldwide?
This install fest is open to both coders and people interested in using Consul (maximum 30 participants). - Workshop 2 by Prof. Arianna Mazzeo (DesisLab, Barcelona)
Design and the City. What if the city is the open source lab? A civic co-production
Participants will learn how co-design through creative and digital scenarios for smart citizens, working in a multidisciplinary team, working with the community, using design as a tool of transition to a common-community building process.
Audience: Design civil servants, Stakeholders, Belgium Community, attendees workshop, general public, policy makers.
12:30 - 13:00
- Lunch (food available on site)
13:00 - 15:00
- Walk the Talk:
Participatory Session coached by CIN with Day 1 Speakers
What does it mean to co-design the city? What does it mean to bring citizen participation at the heart of urban policy? What does it mean to rethink the governance models?
In this two hour session, called Fishbowl, we will all come together - audience and Day 1 Speakers - that will be a representative of a civic agora that we should have in our cities. An agora where anyone can share their views and ideas and decide together the concrete steps on how to reach the impact. The conversation during the session will be participatory without any boundaries of roles or titles. After all, we all have to play a role in bringing the desired change!
15:00 - 17:30
- Workshop1 (Part 2)
Citizen Platform Install Fest
The citizen platform Consul is used by Madrid and over thirty other cities in Spain - Second part of the workshop.
About the speakers
Sanna Gothbi (Digidem Lab)
Sanna Ghotbi is an activist for refugee's rights, environmental issues and an elected representative for the feminist party in the local council of Gothenburg. She is active in the municipalist movement, and is working for Digidem Lab to advance deliberative democracy at the city level in Sweden.
Vanessa Me Tonini (Digidem Lab)
Vanessa Me Tonini is a web developer and agile coach from Brazil. She is an organiser of various activities for gender and diversity issues in IT and one of the leaders of Marialab, a feminist hacker collective. Vanessa will be leading the two week workshop "Consul going Worldwide" at Medialab Prado November 6th to 18th as a part of Collective Intelligence for Democracy 2017.
Khushboo Balwani (Civic Innovation Network)
Khushboo Balwani is a designer, strategist and activist, working on how collaborative methodologies can solve social challenges, in India and in Europe. In 2012, she wrote a thesis, entitled “Future of work in sustainable living”, as part of her MA studies in Design Strategy at Politecnico di Milano. Since 2013 she has been OuiShare Brussels connector and has been engaged locally in mapping the community, researching case studies, fostering collaborations and strengthening the collaborative economy movement. She is cofounder of the Civic Innovation Network in Brussels.
Arianna Mazzeo (Desis Lab)
Professor of Design for Social and Digital Innovation at Elisava Design School and Engineering, Arianna is Leader of DESIS Lab ELISAVA-DESIS Network. She is also Director of the Masterlab in Service Design for Place and Community Building, dedicated to the transition from old to new design education scenarios and training professors, practitionners, designers, artists, makers interesting in researching through creativity and design. She is also curator-maker of creative formats for festivals ( Open Design Festival Capetown, South Africa; Armenia Art Fair-Design Conversations), collaborating with museums outreach programs( V&A Digital Design Weekend), Fablabs network and emergent design and performing arts hubs (Marseille Living lab) to foster multi-disciplinarity, peer to peer learning and collaboration. She had worked in Cameroon, Turkey, Armenia and South Africa for Local Govern on civic-coproduction programs for the future creative scenario of community building, participation, and collaboration and civic commons- community building using creativity format as platform of social and digital innovation. She works and collaborates regularly with UNIFEM, UNESCO, EESC-European Economic and Social Committee, United Nations, Victoria and Albert Museum, Xschool, GSMA, Open Design Festival Cape Town, and European Network of Culture and Creativity.
Dag 1 (lezingen): Vrijdag 3 november 2017, 10:00-18:30
Dag 2 (workshops): Zaterdag 4 november 2017, 10:00-17:30
Locatie: iMAL
Koolmijnenkaai 30
1080 Brussel
Een archief : 1999-2010-2019
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