Kaos 3 - Action Poétique (Jean-Pierre Balpe)
The Kaos electronic literature magazine was published on floppy disk by the French company Kaos as a new year electronic postcard from 1991 to 1993. Realised by Jean-Pierre Balpe, the father of automatic literary text generation, the issue #3 released in January 1993 for Apple Mac proposes generators by different authors (in French and one in English by Jasper).
Jean-Pierre Balpe is considered as the father of automatic text generation and he had a decisive influence on digital literature in France during the 80s. Jean-Pierre Balpe is a French writer and resarcher exploring the relations between literature and computer science. Professor at University Paris VIII from 1990 to 2005, he was the director of its hypermédia department and director of the Laboratoire Paragraphe from 1990 to 2004. He was also the co-director of Centre Interdisciplinaire de Recherches en Esthétiques Numériques (Paris 8- Ministère de la Culture, DAP) and co-founder with Maurice Benayoun of CITU (Création Interactive Transdisciplinaire Universitaire).
Technical details
3.5" Mac Floppy. Developed in Apple HyperCard.
Images Gallery
Medium / Platform
Diskette MacFrench (and some English)
Jean-Pierre Balpe
Kaos, 1993
Realisation: Jean-Pierre Balpe
With the artistic contributions of:
Pascal Gresset, Jean-Pierre Balpe, Henri Deluy, Marie Etienne, Jasper, Gil Jouanard, Bassam Mansour.
Resurrection Lab ➚
Een archief : 1999-2010-2019
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