"Égregore source" distribution
Art Kill Art is publishing the source code of Égregore, a digital audiovisual performance by Cyrille Henry and Nicolas Montgermont supported by iMAL and presented at iMAL in 2011.
"Égregore source" is an edition that transpose a performance work of the chdh collective on digital media: the source code (Pure Data) of the "egregore" performance is made fully available as a software to download or as a usb key. Beyond the documentary aspect, this edition aims to exploit the physical dispersion of this digital support.
Available online and as a physical edition, a nicely design paper object integrating the usb key. Don't miss it, it's limited to 233 ex. !
And with the source code, you have the instrument which will be played live remotely by chdh the 27 MAY 2015.
More on www.artkillart.tk/ and on www.chdh.net/egregore_source.php
Een archief : 1999-2010-2019
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