Yannick Antoine

Yannick a fait ses études à l'École de Rercherche Graphique (option Arts Numériques) après avoir obtenu un diplôme en informatique.

Il s'intéresse aux processus émergents, à l'intelligence artificielle et aux univers (science-)fictionnels, en utilisant entre autres les plateformes communautaires d'Internet. Il a co-réalisé en 2005 l'installation Cellule, ainsi que le projet The Gate en 2007, exposé entre autres à la Biennale de Shanghai 2010. Il donne également cours d'art numérique à l'École Supérieure des Arts Saint-Luc Bruxelles et il est développeur et project manager à iMAL.


2008 - 2010

The research project VIRAGE is a platform which studies and develops software prototypes to help artistic creation and cultural industries to control and write their projects.


The Gate is both an installation and a collaborative performance platform. The Gate connects the real life and the universe of Second Life (SL), it acts as a junction point, a door between the two worlds and two representation spaces. Basically, it is a simple window between both worlds where Real Life (RL) users and SL users see each other, can meet and interact. A view of the SL Gate is permanently projected in the real life venue; when an SL user with his/her avatar comes in front of The Gate in SL, it is visible in the real public space; when one arrives physically in front of the door in the public space, he/she becomes visible in SL and can interact with the SL users currently in front.



Join us for an inspiring summer under the digital sun and discover how to write code, to build objects that connect to sensors, physical outputs or the internet, to build 3D models and print them, and much more!


Join us for an inspiring summer under the digital sun and discover how to write code, to connect your projects to sensors and physical outputs, to build 3D models and print them, and much much more!


Join us for an inspiring summer under the digital sun and discover how to write code, to connect your projects to sensors and physical outputs, to build 3D models and print them, and much much more!


Join us for an inspiring summer under the digital sun and discover programming, physical computing, digital fabrication, 3D-modeling and more!


Initiated in 2005, the Summer Digital Art Workshops go on with this 10th year! Join us for an inspiring summer under the digital sun. Register now!


Initiated in 2005, the Summer Digital Art Workshops go on with this 10th edition! Join us for an inspiring summer under the digital sun. Register now!


Initiated in 2005, the Summer Digital Art Workshops go on with this 9th edition! Join us for an inspiring summer under the digital sun.


For this last Code, Arts & Crafts of 2012, we will introduce you to two new topics, and of course dedicate some time to your personal Arduino and Processing projects.


Comment activer des objets inattendus, bricolés à l'aide d'Arduino, et les commander à partir de Processing?


Initiated in 2005, the Summer Digital Art Workshops go on with this 8th edition! This year, we introduce a new workshop around digital fabrication, christening our brand new Fab Lab iMAL! Join us, for an inspiring summer under the digital sun.


The annual seminar of Erg Art School will explore from 2 to 4 February 2011 at Halles de Schaerbeek the rich and complex relationships between BODY and MACHINE. The installation The Gate will be used as a plateform of performances between the real and virtual worlds. More on the programme détaillé.

The Gate, an installation by Yves Bernard and Yannick Antoine, connecting Second Life and Real Life is exhibited at the 8th Shanghai Biennale! You can join us in RL or SL for the opening on Oct. 23, or with the visitors up 23 Jan. 2011. More info.

From 14.11.2009 to 14.02.2010, the installation The Gate by Yves Bernard and Yannick Antoine will be shown at Buda Art Center Kortrijk in the exhibition Fantastic Illusions, with other belgian and chinese artistes in collaboration with eARTS-Shangai Festival.