Code, Arts & Crafts #9
Saturday, 8 December 2012 | 12:00 - 18:00

Strange inputs / Processing & Internet
For this last Code, Arts & Crafts of 2012, we will introduce you to two new topics, and of course dedicate some time to your personal Arduino and Processing projects.
Arduino: Strange inputs
Arduino perceives its environment by electrical flows and impulses. Creativity often requires the invention of strange capture systems. We can use a single sensor but diverted from its usual use, committing a particular experience of place, time, space. But we can also use physical, chemical properties, altering the electrical voltage analysed by arduino.
Stéphane will show a selection of works using a "strange input" and show some simple or complex sensors connected to Arduino.
Processing and the Internet
With everything being more connected than ever to the Internet, it would be sad to leave Processing out of the loop. In this introduction, you will learn the basics of loading and parsing webpages in Processing, as well as a general overview of what are webservices and APIs (think Google, Twitter, Flickr, etc), and how to interact with them. We will explore a few examples and relevant Processing libraries.
About the workshop leaders
Yannick Antoine
Yannick a fait ses études à l'École de Rercherche Graphique (option Arts Numériques) après avoir obtenu un diplôme d'informaticien.
Il s'intéresse aux processus émergents, à l'intelligence artificielle et aux univers (science-)fictionnels, en utilisant entre autres les plateformes communautaires d'Internet. Il a co-réalisé en 2005 l'installation Cellule, ainsi que le projet The Gate en 2007, exposé entre autres à la Biennale de Shanghai 2010. Il donne également cours d'art numérique à l'École Supérieure des Arts Saint-Luc, à Bruxelles et il est développeur et webmaster à iMAL.
Plus d'infos sur
Stéphane Noël
Professor of digital arts at ERG school (Ecole de Recherche Graphique) and web developer for the organization Les Corsaires, Stéphane Noël also works with Arduino. He participated to Talkoo, a masterclass led by David Cuartielles (co-creator of Arduino) at iMAL in 2008. Stéphane teaches the Arduino workshops since 2011 and also supervises the Code, Arts & Crafts workshops at iMAL. More info on the website of Stéphane.
Registration recommended (ideally before November 30)
Practical Info
Saturday 8 December
Participation fee: 5€
Max. 15 participants
This is not an introduction to Arduino and Processing. Participants are expected to already have basic programming skills in Processing and/or Arduino, and come to the workshops with their projects on which we can help them, advise them, etc.
Workshops in French!
But we understand English.
Registration: via the online form
Locations: FabLab.iMAL
30 quai des Charbonnages / Koolmijnenkaai
1080 Brussels, BE
Media Gallery <>
Picture #5 :$
Picture #6 :
Code, Arts, & Crafts has been supported at its beginning by the Communauté Française de Belgique (commission des arts numériques).
Saturday 8 December
Participation fee: 5€
Max. 15 participants
This is not an introduction to Arduino and Processing. Participants are expected to already have basic programming skills in Processing and/or Arduino, and come to the workshops with their projects on which we can help them, advise them, etc.
Workshops in French!
But we understand English.
Registration: via the online form
Locations: FabLab.iMAL
30 quai des Charbonnages / Koolmijnenkaai
1080 Brussels, BE
An archive : 1999-2010-2019
This page is an archive of the iMAL website that operated between 2010 and 2019. It compiles activities and projects made since 1999.
For our most recent news and activities, please check our new website at