Stéphane Noël

Professeur en arts numériques à l'ERG (Ecole de Recherche Graphique) et developpeur web dans l'asbl Les Corsaires, Stéphane Noël bricole également avec Arduino. Il a notamment participé à Talkoo, la masterclasse dirigée par David Cuartielles (co-créateur d'Arduino) à iMAL en 2008. Stéphane a donné le stage Arduino entre 2011 et 2013, et a encadré également les ateliers Code, Arts & Crafts à iMAL. Plus d'infos sur le site de Stéphane.



Log out, Turn Off, Join the fun :) 40+ artists from JP, US & EU! The mysterious collective invites us to perpetuate "in real life" the freedom and joyful anarchy of the early web with the Internet Yami-Ichi. The second edition outside of Japan of this post-digital flea market will take place in Brussels' Art Nouveau landmark Les Ateliers des Tanneurs!


Initiated in 2005, the Summer Digital Art Workshops go on with this 9th edition! Join us for an inspiring summer under the digital sun.


Mechatronics is the combination of mechanics, electronics and (more recently) computing to create programmable mechanical machines. This design process can be applied for example to robotics, it's also the basis of machines such as drawbots or RepRap, Makerbot or Ultimaker printers.


The Electric Saturdays consist in a set of 5 afternoons of introduction to Physical Computing with Arduino, or how to create by yourself your own electronic objects in 5 sessions.


For this last Code, Arts & Crafts of 2012, we will introduce you to two new topics, and of course dedicate some time to your personal Arduino and Processing projects.


Comment activer des objets inattendus, bricolés à l'aide d'Arduino, et les commander à partir de Processing?


Initiated in 2005, the Summer Digital Art Workshops go on with this 8th edition! This year, we introduce a new workshop around digital fabrication, christening our brand new Fab Lab iMAL! Join us, for an inspiring summer under the digital sun.


Our Saturday workshop comes back with 2 ever-present topics: how to make 2 computers or softwares talk to each other and how to find our way amongst these little components that prevents our little motors to burn from a 220v exposure? The answers are simple: OSC, UDP, transistors and relays!


Launched in 2005, the Summer Digital Art Workshops continue for the 7th edition! This year they will be extended by 2 additional modules (Drupal and OpenCV) that complement the other 5 updated courses for an inspiring summer under the digital sun.


Real Time Video - Movements Analysis - Physical Modeling - Real Time 3D - Code Art - Physical Computing - Collaborative Web (PureData/GEM - Arduino - Processing - OpenGL - SPIP/CSS - WordPress - PHP/MySQL)