Electric Saturdays
9 February - 6 April 2013

Many asked us to organize introductory workshops during the year, besides the summer digital art workshops. This is why we launch a first series of introductory workshops to Physical Computing & Arduino in February 2013, with Stéphane Noël as workshop leader.
This series of workshops will consist in 5 sessions on Saturday afternoon from 14:00 till 18:00, once every 15 days. So that's the proposal, the rest is now up to you: the series will take place if there are enough participants! (UPDATE: there are!)
Introduction to Physical Computing - Arduino
These sessions are an introduction to "Physical computing" or how to create a digital object that can interact with its close or remote environment. We will also explore the connection with a computer, thus allowing it to interface with the "physical world".
The workshops are based on Arduino, an electronic assembly circuit with a programmable micro-processor, widely used by Do It Yourself communities .
During training, Arduino will be presented first as producer of events (light, sound, motors), then as sensor. The connection with the computer, to which Arduino can be its "physical" extension will also be discussed.
Participants will have testing kits including an Arduino and basic electronic components, some pre-assembled in order to create quickly and with minimum knowledge small autonomous devices.
Some accessories produced with FabLab.iMAL's laser cutter will complete this kit, allowing the production of small concrete objects, beyond technical experimentation.
Links: Arduino & Processing
- Basic knowledge in programming
- The knowledge of Processing is not required; participants who knows basic programming can learn how it works and its environment before the beginning of the workshops.
- "Scrap is gold" is the leitmotiv of DIY hackers. It is recommended that participants bring old broken toys or old printers containing motors and other electronic components to complete the stock of spare parts...
Dates: Saturday 9 and 23 February, 9 and 23 March and 6 April 2013 from 14:00 till 18:00 (5 sessions)
Participation fee: 80 € (including an Arduino, 60 € without)
Workshop leader: Stéphane Noël
Digital art teacher at the ERG school (Ecole de Recherche Graphique) and web developer for the Les Corsaires organization, Stéphane Noël also works with Arduino. He participated to Talkoo, a masterclass led by David Cuartielles (co-creator of Arduino) at iMAL in 2008. Stéphane teaches in the Arduino workshops since 2011 and also supervises the Code, Arts & Crafts workshops at iMAL. More info on Stéphane's website.
Via the online form
Practical Info
Saturday afternoon
Participation fee: 80 €
(including an Arduino, 60 € without)
Max. 15 participants
Attention: Do not forget to subscribe in time, the number of places is limited (max. 15 people). Workshops takes place under the reserve of a minimum number of participants. Once reached, the payment's information will be sent. Your place is permanently reserved once the workshops are paid.
Workshops in French! (oral understanding necessary)
Registration: Via the online form
Location: FabLab.iMAL
34 quai des Charbonnages - Koolmijnenkaai
1080 Brussels, BE
(entrée par la court)
Media Gallery <>
Saturday afternoon
Participation fee: 80 €
(including an Arduino, 60 € without)
Max. 15 participants
Attention: Do not forget to subscribe in time, the number of places is limited (max. 15 people). Workshops takes place under the reserve of a minimum number of participants. Once reached, the payment's information will be sent. Your place is permanently reserved once the workshops are paid.
Workshops in French! (oral understanding necessary)
Registration: Via the online form
Location: FabLab.iMAL
34 quai des Charbonnages - Koolmijnenkaai
1080 Brussels, BE
(entrée par la court)
An archive : 1999-2010-2019
This page is an archive of the iMAL website that operated between 2010 and 2019. It compiles activities and projects made since 1999.
For our most recent news and activities, please check our new website at https://imal.org