chdh: Égrégore
7 June - 14 June 2011

Production residency
The French duo chdh starts a residency at iMAL to develop "Égrégore", an audiovisual performance in which a multitude of elements evolves and changes its behaviour over time.
After a first work residency at Césaré, Cyrille Henry and Nicolas Montgermont will work two weeks at iMAL spread in February (21-27th) and June 2011. Their last residency for this project will end with a first presentation of "Égrégore" at iMAL on June 14th, together with the book launch of "Art contemporains nouveaux médias" by Dominique Moulon.
Project description
"Égrégore" is an audiovisual performance project aimed at exploiting phenomena of movement groups to generate complex and expressive behaviors. These behaviors are simulated and controlled by a computer to be reproduced in sound and image. This work is a continuation of work on chdh audiovisual instruments, but aims to radicalize their research.
Working on behaviours, chdh has already had the opportunity to realize a number of instruments based on a sum of simple individuals creating a complex behaviour due to interactions. This is the case of "Emergence" where simple geometric structures (regular tiling, pentagon, circle) emerge from the relationship of attraction / repulsion of different particles.
More info about chdh and Égrégore...
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An archive : 1999-2010-2019
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