Toxic Lesbian (SP)

(EN) Toxic Lesbian (SP) emerges in 2005 as an artistic and lesbian activist. The artistic model of Toxic Lesbian goes from pure artistic language to virtual and live action, creation and investigation processes. An essential concept of their proposals is to generate works that do not have a commercial format but ephemerals and easy to disseminate ones. Performances and video art productions are the link with the visual language that will generate documentaries about collective social interaction and other testimonies related to the project.

(FR) Toxic Lesbian est un collectif artistique et activiste espagnol de femmes lesbiennes (et autres) qui débattent autour de problèmes de société, et particulièrement liés à l’orientation sexuelle, au travers de documentaires, performances ou tout autre moyen d’expression artistique. Leurs projets sont diffusés au travers de leur chaîne youtube.

Toxic Lesbian youtube channel

Project: Tales that are never told: ZeroEstigma






After the screening of their video on the Flagey Screen, Toxic Lesbian presents an open debate between iMAL (Brussels) and Medialab-Prado (Madrid), as part of the activities of the Media Facades Festival Europe 2010.


"European Window" presents art projects that support intercultural exchange and connect the local scenes through the media facades of the participating cities. In Brussels, we will show "Get Your Back Up Off the Wall", an interactive vidéo by Nika Radic and "Tales that are never told", a vidéo by the net activists Toxic Lesbian. These custom-made projects will be shown on the Flagey Screen.


MEDIA FACADES FESTIVAL EUROPE 2010 (MFF 2010) is een digitaal kunstproject voor de stad. Het verbindt zeven Europese steden door middel van videoschermen en mediafaçaden verspreid in de publieke ruimte. Kunstenaars en mediadesigners stellen in het kader van het festival hun specifieke projecten in heel Europa voor. Projecties en aansluitende evenementen openen een ruimte voor dialoog, dromen en uitwisseling van ideeën.


The final project of the Toxic Lesbian collective, produced in collaboration with Medialab-Prado, iMAL and Public Art Lab during MFF 2010, will be presented at the...