Arts/Sciences#10: Maurice Benayoun
woensdag, 2 november 2011 | 20:30

Als (nieuwe)mediakunstenaar sinds de jaren 80, als artistiek leider van CITU en als medeoprichter
van het nagelnieuwe H2H Lab heeft Maurice Benayoun veel ervaring met mengvormen van kunst en
wetenschap. Maurice zal zijn visie uiteenzetten op de samenwerking tussen kunstenaars en wetenschappers.
Deze visie zal hij illustreren met zijn eigen projecten en met de domeinen die onderzocht worden in de
laboratoria waarmee hij samenwerkt.
Maurice Benayoun is a French artist and theorician. His work and research explore the potential of various medias, from video to augmented and virtual reality, from the web to “locative medias”, from interactive exhibitions to urban installations.
His works have been widely rewarded and exhibited in international events and festivals. Among those, the Quarxs (1989-93), one of the very first 3D computer animated series, or NeORIZON, gigantic urban installation in Shanghai (2008), not to mention Tunnel under the Atlantic (1995) or World Skin, a photo safari in the land of war (Golden Nica, Ars Electronica 1998). Maurice Benayoun’s work tries to go beyond the technology challenge, by exploring other ways of producing sense through creating “situations”.
Teacher first at Paris 1, then Paris 8 universities, he co-founds in 2004 the CITU-Paragraphe. In 2011, he initiates H2H Lab, a scientific interest group that brings together 15 laboratories, schools and companies.
Maurice will share with us his vision of these relationships between artists and scientists, illustrating it by his personal projects and the stream of research tackled by the laboratories he collaborates with.
Praktische Info
Gratis toegang!
Locatie: iMAL
De lezing begint om 20:30!
Media Galerij <>
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