Archives : Exhibitions

11 november - 28 november 2009

Chapter I invites us to discover a mysterious object, an unidentified artificial entity as real than fictional. Félix Luque's installation reformulates some modern philosophical questions about mankind and technology through the use of images associated with science fiction...

20 mei - 30 mei 2009

V.O.S.T. OV/OT explores the connections between cinema, video art and digital art.

22 april - 2 mei 2009

The Fractal Flowers exhibition presents recent creations of Miguel Chevalier: virtual reality installation, silkscreens on plexiglass, 3D stereolithography sculptures, as much as possible materializations for his fractal flowers born from the same digital code.

11 maart - 28 maart 2009

Une opération proposée par RYBN, pour recontextualiser la crise et les stratégies politiques et médiatiques qui l'accompagnent, autour des thèmes de la catastrophe, de l'instabilité structurelle et des mythologies des marchés.

4 december - 13 december 2008

IMAL accueille la dernière installation vidéo interactive de Marie-Hélène Parant

26 november - 28 november 2008

Exhibition during the Cimatics Festival 2008

17 oktober - 8 november 2008

JODI, the BE/NL duo pioneers of Net Art, explores the relations between the world as we build it through Internet and the one based on our past mental and physical maps. Services such as GoogleMaps have changed our worldview radically by making the Globe accessible as...

2 oktober - 6 oktober 2008

Issu du monde des arts plastiques, Daniel Daniel crée depuis plus de 20 ans des sculptures mobiles ou de lumière utlisant moteurs électriques et mécanismes astucieusement bricolés

17 april - 29 april 2008

Art of the Digital Age a collective exhibition featuring a unique panel of digital artworks created in the last years by internationally known new media artists, and coming from galleries and collections from around the world (USA, Europe, Russia)

3 oktober - 6 oktober 2007

For the opening of iMAL new venue, the inaugural exhibition "Hybrid World" explores the merge between the Internet and the physical world. It is enriched with a programme of concerts and performances.