GEO GOO (info park)
18 oktober - 9 november 2008

by Jodi
JODI explores the relations between the world we build through the Internet and the one based on our past mental and physical maps. Services such as GoogleMaps have changed radically our worldview by making the Globe accessible as a commercial multi-user surface. Mapping these online geometrical constructs to reality and vice versa, overlaying their figures as jogging paths, The 'Parc Royal' of Brussels (Warande Park) becomes an INFO Park revealing symbols and mysteries of the capitale of Belgium and Europe, amplifying or deconstructing them through an intricate web of data and associations.
For the finissage of the exhibition, JODI performed "Folksomy Blue Box" with the new VJ mixer developed by Yacine Sebti and produced by iMAL.
About JODI
Jodi's work (, the pioneer belgian/dutch duo of Net Art (Joan Heemskerke/NL - Dirk Paesmans/BE), has been included in many international exhibitions and festivals: Documenta X in 1997, Rotterdam (DEAF98), ZKM (net_condition, 2000), Tokyo (2001, 2002), Madrid (Arco/De-game, 2001), Berlin (Transmediale: 1997, 2000, 2002, 2006), New York (1997, 2003, Guggenheim/2004, 2005, 2007), Chicago (ISEA97), Plug-In (Basle, 2002), Paris (Centre Pompidou/2003, 2004, 2006), SFMOMA (San Francisco, 2004), Montevideo (Amsterdam, 2006), or more recently at the Stedelijk Museum (Amsterdam) in the 'Deep Screen - Art in Digital Culture Proposal for Municipal Art Acquisitions 2008'.
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